Reporting - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

On-Demand Reports

Satuit comes with a set of predefined reports, created from clients' most frequent requests. These reports can either be printed or exported to Word, HTML, Excel, XML or Adobe PDF format. To access these reports, go to the Reporting menu.

Most Satuit reports are designed to report off your search results. To run a report:

  1. Search for the list of data that you would like to run your report for
  2. Select ‘Reporting’ then click into ‘On Demand Reports’
  3. Double click on the report you would like to run; this will queue the generation of the report
  4. Your report can be retrieved by going to Report Outputs under the ‘Reporting’ menu where the status of the report is displayed

Report Scheduler ⏯

Report Scheduler allows you to schedule reports to run and pick up from the Report Outputs Menu option. This is permission that can be granted by a System Administrator.

Click on 'Reports' and select 'Report Scheduler'. The basic information section fills in the options listed below:

  • Schedule Name - This will display as the name of the report within the listing of scheduled reports
  • Schedule Status -Select Active or Inactive
  • Description - A text field to provide additional information about the scheduled report
  • Select Saved View - Select from Public or Private Saved views to run the report off the results of the Saved view
  • Run Saved View As Report - If you would like to use your Saved view results as the report output select the checkbox
  • Select Report - Select the desired report output from the list of On-Demand Reports

Output File Details

  • File Name - The file name will be the name of the report once it has been generated
  • File Format - Select the file format for the report output, Excel, Word, PDF, HTML 4.0
  • Location - This defaults to output all reports to Report Outputs location
  • Recipients - Click Edit to select from Reps to schedule reports for others; select Notify reps by email checkbox to have an email sent to them

Recurrence Pattern

  • Select the recurrence pattern options for the frequency you would like the report to run

Range of Recurrence

  • Enter in the details for the range of recurrence for the report to run
  • At the top left-hand corner of the screen click on Save. If you would like the report to Run now select the Run Now option

Managing Scheduled Reports

  • There are two separate permissions available to schedule reports. The 'CREATE_REPORT_SCHEDULES' role allows users to create and modify Scheduled Reports for themselves and 'ADMIN_REPORTS' enables the ability to modify Scheduled Reports created by others.
  • If you do not have permission to do either, contact your System Administrator or your Satuit Support Representative.

Report Outputs

Report Outputs is where all finished reports can be accessed. All reports that have been generated within Satuit will remain in the Report Outputs section for 30-days from when the report was generated.

Reporting Browse Lists and Saved Views ⏯

Bringing in 3rd Party Data ⏯

SatuitCRM - To Plan Trips ⏯

Reporting Out of SatuitCRM ⏯

Reporting PDFs - CRM Standard Report Book & Data Visualization Book

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