Fast Find - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

Fast Find ⏯

The Fast Find search is an easy-to-use, powerful search option found at the top of your Satuit site. It covers most of your searching needs, allowing you to search across multiple types of data records in the system at once. You can use the 'Choose Record Types' option to select which types of data are most important to you. For each category of results, the Fast Find returns the first 10 records of each type, you can view all records of that type by clicking on the 'View All' button.

Fields Searched By Fast Find

  • Business/Entity: Business/Entity, City, REP, Relationship Type
  • Contact: Business/Entity, First Name, Last Name, Email
  • Opportunity: Business/Entity, Primary Contact, REP, Sales Phase, Current Status, Product, Opportunity Description
  • Activity: Business/Entity, Subject, Comment, REP, Activity Type, Contact
  • Documents: Business/Entity, Type, Description, Product, Contact, Attachment
  • Accounts: Business/Entity, Portfolio Code, Legal Account Name/Investor, Product
  • Deal Flow: Business/Entity, Deal Name, Deal Phase, Deal Status
  • Package: Business/Entity, Template Description, Selected Template, Contact


  • Searching on the whole word/name or only part of a word/name
  • Combine field values, such as "Client" and "London" to find your clients in London
  • Trouble remembering a contact's last name? Use their first name plus the entity
  • Fast Find is not case sensitive ('john smith' is the same as 'John Smith')
  • The more details you add the more refined the results are ('John Smith Client' will return a shorter set of results than 'Smith')
  • Accented characters are ignored (à=a, ë=e, ü=u, etc.)
  • Limit to 2-3 Record Types for optimal speed; avoid 'Activities' due to a large amount of data stored
  • Closed accounts will show in red on your fast find results (available in v16.9+)
  • When records are promoted with the 'View All' button from the Fast Find, Summary Views, or Grid Grids, a Back To arrow will allow the user to quickly go back to the original screen they were viewing when generating that list.

Fast Find Options ⏯

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