Outlook Automated Import Initial IT Setup

Follow the instructions below to complete the initial setup of the Outlook Automated Import. This only needs to happen one time for the site. Each Satuit user will need to authorize access on their own.

  1. https://portal.azure.com/#home
  2. Select Azure Active DirectoryAOI - 1.png
  3. Select App registrations on right
    AOI - 2.png
  4. Select New Registration
    AOI - 3.png
  5. Name should be easy identifiable because users will be prompted to Authorize this named instance
    1. Redirect URL your site URL <Satuit URL>/authorizegraphapi.aspx -
      IMPORTANT - Make sure URL is all LOWER CASE as this is case sensitive
      AOI - 4.png
  6. Click Register Button
  7. This will display some information about the site, including the Tenant ID and Client ID which be required for setting up in SatuitCRM
    AOI - 5.png
  8. To Create the Client Secret, select Client credentials (top right column), which will bring up the following screen:
    AOI - 6.png
  9. On the Client secrets tab, select + New Client Secret button
  10. Create the secret with a time that the user's authorization will last
    AOI - 7.png
  11. Within the Client Secret section, be sure to copy the key within the Value field, not the Secret ID. Utilize the Copy button (circled in red) to ensure the full Value key is copied
    1. This Secret value is the 3rd piece of information that will be entered into SatuitCRM to set up the Outlook Auto-Import
  12. To ensure the integration has the necessary permissions, Click API Permissions, then select the +Add a permission button
    AOI - 8.png
  13. Select Microsoft Graph
    AOI - 9.png
  14. Select Delegated permissions
    AOI - 10.png
  15. Under the Mail section, select ReadWrite and Calendars.ReadWrite, then Click Add Permissions

    AOI - 11.png
  16. An Azure admin will need to grant admin consent. The admin should receive the following consent confirmation request
    AOI - 12.jpg
  17. After completing the previous steps, enter the following values in the Outlook Auto-Import section of your Satuit Global Setting (System Administration > System Configuration)
    1. Directory (Tenant) ID
    2. Application (Client) ID
    3. Client Secret Value Key

To help limit/eliminate internal emails created, administrators should make sure that their own email domain(s) are listed as Ignored Email Addresses from Tools->System Administrator->System Configuration->Email Add-In Rules.


To help minimize the number of unnecessary documents created administrators should review the list of Ignored File Types from Tools->System Administrator->System Configuration->Email Add-In Rules window. Our recommendation would be to ignore the following file types below. This should skip Satuit Document Records getting created non-essential attachments such as calendar invitations, images in signatures, and voicemail messages automatically. (Documents with these extensions can still be added using the Outlook Add-in if selected manually.)

  • .com
  • .exe
  • .gif
  • .ics
  • .jpg
  • .mp4
  • .png
  • .txt
  • .wmz

Please reach out to Satuit Client Services representative should any additional questions arise during the Outlook Auto-Import setup process.

NOTE: This feature requires an Microsoft Outlook 365 Account and SatuitCRM v16.8+.

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