Configure Investor View - SatuitSIP® Portal

This feature requires SatuitSIP® Portal Premium.

In the Configure Investor View section of Configure Portal, Portal Admins are able to customize each view for each recipient or a group of them. Configure Objects allows you to customize font types, sizes, and colors for the different objects such as Account Summary, Detail Tab, Newsfeed, Graphs, and Text Area. 

Updating Investor Views ⏯

The Detail tab can be added or edited when creating or editing an Investor View, including Account Data and going to the Individual Account section.

Global Object Library

The Global Object Library allows you to create and maintain both the Newsfeed and Text Area objects that can be added to one or more Investor Views when in the Edit process of an Investor View and clicking Add.


Text Area Object

Text Area allows you to add multiple sections of text with images.

Newsfeed Object

Newsfeed enables you to add multiple headers with links behind them.

Account Summary Object ⏯

The Account Summary Object is available when Account Data is enabled on an Investor View and populates information from a linked account to the portal recipient.

Many of our SIP clients have opted to share account details such as holdings, transactions, and historical account balances with their recipients on the portal using Data Grids. Recipients can search through a data grid to find specific information such as a Ticker Symbol or Time Period.

While displaying account information on the data grid can be useful, we also included the option to download the information for further analysis in Excel or inclusion in another system.


The ability to download information from the data grids is disabled by default to protect data. This functionality needs to be enabled by the Portal Administrator before it can be used. Any Investor Views created prior to v15.9 will continue to display as-is. In order to take advantage of this new functionality, you must create new Investor Views.

Portal Graphs/Charts ⏯

With Graphs, you are able to bring in values from the Account tab in Satuit relating to an investor. These can be incorporated by clicking add on either the All Account Summary or Individual Account when editing an Investor View. Check out the graphing options with a plethora of data visualization options including:

  • Column Bar Chart Grouping – Added the ability to create clustered, stacked, and 100% stacked column charts by grouping values by an additional parameter
  • Area Chart – Added the ability to create Area charts, with Standard and Stack chart options
  • Multiple Series Charts – Added new chart option to allow multiple series to be displayed, very useful in situations where you want to compare multiple values such as performance vs. benchmark
  • Time-Frequency Filtering – Functionality to allow Investors to choose the data graphed based on daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly values
  • Time Period Filtering – Functionality to allow Investors to select the time period to display on graphs
  • Custom Graph Ordering – Portal Admins can utilize a Picklist field with a custom field order to display graph values using the same custom order

Investor View Template Duplication

Portal Admins can duplicate existing investor view templates. Adding the option to duplicate an investor view template makes it easier to create draft/concept templates or create tailored variations of the Investor Views for specific audiences. This can be done by opening the Portal Admin page, clicking on Configure Portal, Configure Investor View, then selecting the relevant investor view, and then duplicate.

Text Area Panel Item Reordering and Account Individual Tab


Portal Admin users can drag and reorder items within the Text Area Panel. Furthermore, we’ve changed the way new items appear in the item list. By default, new items will appear at the top instead of being pushed to the bottom of the list. This is accessible through Portal Admin, clicking on the Configure Portal section, Configure Investor View, selecting an investor view, click on Edit, and editing a Text Area Panel. Additionally, Portal Admin has the capability of dragging and reordering has been added to the Account tabs.

Downloadable Example Investor Views - PPT

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