New Portal Recipient Checklist - SatuitSIP® Portal

Before Portal Activation

  • Make sure to fill out the Contact Detail Form for the recipient
  • Create any linked relationships on the Contact Detail Form if applicable
    (Ex: consultants or advisors)
  • Make sure the automated Portal Activation Email Alert matches your firm's branding

During Portal Activation

  1. Select the appropriate Investor View and Relationship Manager configured in Portal Settings (Requires Portal Premium)
  2. Allow File Upload (if applicable) in Portal Settings
  3. Allow others to view recipients' documents or permission for recipient to view others documents in Portal Settings
  4. Publish Documents and/or Shared Content to the recipient to make sure they have something worthwhile to look at!

After Portal Activation

  • Immediately after activating the investors, personally reach out to them to be on the look-out for an email with instructions to complete the activation
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