Publish To Portal - SatuitSIP® Portal

The Publish to Portal feature enables users to publish Satuit document records to investor's portals in bulk via a document search.


Please ensure your contacts are activated to the portal before publishing content to them.
Click here to view the Portal User Activation article

  • Perform your Document Search to obtain your document browse list. This could be generated by performing an Advanced Document Search, running an already created Saved View, or promoting a button from your Home Page
  • Expand the SatuitCRA menu option Portal → Publish to Portal. This will open the Publish Portal Window. A list of all the unpublished Document records will appear. Check the first checkbox in the header to automatically select all records or check the recipients that you would like to receive their documents. You can also use the filter option to filter out certain document types and narrow your search results
  • Select Next to proceed
  • Select A Folder window will now open. This will allow you to specify which portal folder the documents will be published to


Portal Admins can configure the portal folders.
Please ensure your relevant folder is created before publishing.

Click here to view the Configure Portal Folders article.

  • Select the appropriate Portal Folder
  • The Publish Date will determine when the documents will be published. By default, this will show the current date. The Publish Date can be changed to a future date, at which time the document will be published and the notification email sent out (if applicable)
  • The Expiration Date will set the expiration date for the documents to be removed from the portal. The Portal Admin can set Default Dates for all documents, by default this is 180 days after the publish date
  • You may also set the default expiration to blank if you want documents to be posted indefinitely
  • Click OK. The application will now begin to publish the selected documents to each client’s portal. You can view My Outputs to view the status of the process

Publish to Portal ⏯

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