Form Configuration Tool - System Admin

Accessing Configure Forms

Click on Tools in the lower-left corner of your Satuit screen and select System Administrator.


This tool is only available to Certified Satuit System Administrators. If you do not see this option and would like to arrange training, please contact Client Services at

Fields that Should NOT Be Removed or Duplicated on a Form

There are a few fields within the Satuit database that are key fields, that are used in very specific ways, and that may be linked to many tables. You cannot change the intended purpose of these fields (a Rep is a Rep) and you cannot remove these fields from a form nor should you recreate these fields using an unassigned field.

You may relocate these fields and you may edit values if these fields are a picklist, but you must respect the intended purpose of the field or it may impact other forms and other functions.

  • Rep (cRep)
  • Product (cProduct)
  • Contact First/Last Name (cFirst, cLast, cContact)
  • Company/Entity Name (cCompany)
  • Activity Type (cActivity)


Removing, duplicating, or changing the intended purpose of any of the above fields will have a serious negative impact on end-user functionality.

Form Configuration Tool ⏯

*The below screenshots are for v15.7+ of the Form Configuration Tool 

A form as seen from the user interface:


Configuration view of the same form:


A browser-independent forms configuration tool with drag and drop functionality has been created, significantly Improving the ease of use of the tool. These are available to all Certified System Administrators under the Tools → System Administrator → System Configurations menu.


  1. Select the view you want to configure: Detail, Search, or Summary.
  2. Select the Detail Form to configure.
  3. Drag and drop the "Drag Me" blue square anywhere on the Detail Form to create a new Section.
  4. Drag and drop an Object into any available Section.
  5. The Fields (grey boxes) already configured to the selected Detail Form, can be moved from Section to Section or reordered within a Section by dragging and dropping.
  6. When a Section is selected, the Panel Details will automatically drop down on the right-hand side of the window. You can change the Section title and tab order of your Fields from this collapsible panel.

Data Driven Form Configurations

You can now create forms showing only the relevant fields for the record selected. This optimizes the user experience and reduces the noise on the screen by removing unnecessary fields. Using a Picklist field for a Record Type, Admins can create forms that are dictated based on the Picklist value selected.

For example, create bespoke Activity forms based on the Activity Type (phone call, email, etc.) for the Activity.

How to:

  • System Administration > System Configuration > Manage Form Groups > Picklist Value
    • Create Form Groups
      • Select Picklist values that should use the same form configuration
      • Note: Any values not selected will use the default form configuration for the Record Type
  • System Administration > System Configuration > Forms Configuration
    • Once Picklist Value Form Groups are created, enable Picklist Value Group Forms
      • Once enabled, copy an existing form and select the desired Picklist Value Form Group to create and configure the form for that group
  • If Picklist Value Group Forms are enabled for a Record Type, when a new record is being created, the user will be prompted to enter a value for the applicable Picklist field to ensure the correct form is displayed

Example Screenshots:

  • Manage Form Groups


  • Forms Configuration

Field Management via Forms Configuration

We’ve made it even easier for admins to set up and modify forms without having to leave the Forms Configuration menu. Admins can modify field information without losing changes previously made to the form configuration.

How to:

  • System Administration > System Configuration > Forms Configuration > Field Details
    • Field Properties button opens the Data Dictionary window for the field selected.
    • Manage Picklist opens the Picklist Editor for the field selected
      • NOTE: This is only available for Picklist and Keyword fields

Example Screenshots:

  • Field Details section

  • Field Properties

  • Manage Picklists

Multiple Detail Forms by User Group

For versions 16.5 and higher, you can create multiple detail forms which provides greater flexibility to create a customized the data entry and corresponding search forms for the different types of users. For example, your Private Equity team can have a different set of detail and search forms than the Institutional team, or your Sales team can view different forms than the Client Service team. There is no limit to the number of customized views of detail and search forms you can create.

  • From within the Forms Configuration Tool, you are able to select the User Group the form will be used by. These User Groups are defined under the Tools -> System Administrator -> Security -> User Groups menu, and will need to setup prior to creating the form.
  • To create a new form, click on the blue double page icon next to the 'Form User Group' dropdown. You will be prompted to select which User Group this form will be used for and the initial layout will match your Default view. Click Save once you have selected your User Group.
  •  You can have as many User Groups as you would like and can define a form for each User Group. If a User Group does not have a form, the Default form will be used.
  • Common FAQs:
    • Form Rules are still supported with Multiple Detail Forms, but only impact the fields that are available on the forms for that user group.
    • Changes made to required and read-only fields on one form do not impact the other forms, you should review each form to confirm if a field should be required or read-only.
    • If a user is assigned to more than one User Group, they will have the option to toggle between views. The application will remember which view they were on last and display that view the next time they view that type of detail/search form.





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