Contact Import - Steps 1-3 - System Admin

Contact Import – Step 1: Enter Template Information

Naming and Description

All imports must be given a Template Name to identify the import. A Description is optional but highly recommended.

Import Method and Import Rules

After you have named and given a description of your import template, you must decide if you want to create new records or update existing records. This can be done by selecting the appropriate radio button beneath Import Method. All imports will allow you to either create new records or update existing records. If you are using a saved template, the type of import will already be selected; however, you can change it if you like.

When you select Create new records, Satuit also provides you with the ability to check for duplicates. You can check for duplicates by First Name and Last Name, by E-mail, or by both First Name and Last Name or E-mail. (For more information on duplicate checking logic please see Basic Import Logic. (Section 11.6.2)

Lastly, you have the option to Allow New Picklist values. If this option is enabled, any picklist value in your file that does not exist in the system will be created. This feature does not check for misspellings or errors in syntax. This feature is defaulted to off and it is Satuit Best Practice for it to remain off.

Data Source File & Warning

  1. Select a .csv file using the Browse button.
  2. Once you have selected the source file, you must verify that you have read the warning. Importing data into your Satuit system is very useful but potentially very dangerous. Although it is possible for Satuit to correct any errors that occur If you import data incorrectly or import bad data, we will charge time and materials for any work that is required.
  3. After naming your template, selecting a file, and verifying you have read the warning click Next to continue.


When using a previously saved template for the import, the .csv file must contain at least as many columns as the saved template.

Contact Import – Step 2: Map Satuit Data Fields

Differences Between Create New Records and Update Existing Records

When Create, New Records is selected, your contacts will map to the appropriate business based on the rules detailed in Basic Import Logic. You can map to both business and contact fields in this import type. If you have SatuitCRA, you will see five sections to import into listed across the top of the mapping screen if you do not, you will only see four.

Create New Records

When you select Update Existing Records you will be asked to select the Satuit field you wish to match your contacts to based on a field in your source data. You will only update Contact fields during this process. If you have SatuitCRA you will see four sections to import into listed across the top of the mapping screen if you do not, you will only see three.

Contact Import - Basic Import Logic

The option selected on Import Method will determine if the logic below is applied. The import wizard will attempt to de-duplicate entities and contacts when importing them when Check for duplicates when creating new records is selected. Although Satuit can check for duplicates we recommend you handle duplicate checking as well before importing data.

  • If the option of Check for duplicates when creating new records is not selected the the logic below will not apply
  • The Contact Import Tool will search for the combination of a contact's information: first name, last name, business name, city, and zip code
  • Businesses are checked by business name, city, and zip
  • If the zip code is not provided, and name and city match, it is considered a match
  • If the business does not match an existing business, a new business is created, and all associated contacts are created under the new business
  • If the business matches an existing business, and contact first and last name do not match
  • The contact is created under the existing business
  • The import tool will only check to see if that combination of first and last names exists under the business indicated in the source file – it will NOT look under any other business records in Satuit

Map Entity Fields

The mapping screen consists of four columns, Satuit Fields, Source Data Fields, Default Value, and Required.

  • The Satuit Fields are the labels that exist for fields in Satuit. A full listing can be found in the Data Dictionary
  • The Source Data Fields correspond to the column names in your file
  • The Default Value is where you can enter a generic value that will be used for all rows of your import
  • You can enter values that match the data type for the field (i.e. a date for a date field, text for a text field, an existing picklist value for a picklist value, etc.)
  • Required indicates if the field you are mapping into is required
  • Your required fields will be highlighted in red, will have the Required field checked, and will appear at the very start of your import. All required fields must have either a Source Data Field mapped or a Default Value selected

To map fields from your file, select the column name you wish to map in Source Data Fields to the corresponding Satuit Field you wish to have the column mapped to. The first Satuit Fields listed will be the required fields in alphabetical order by their label. After the required fields are listed the remaining fields are listed in alphabetical order. For the Business fields, the Business and Rep will always be required but any fields marked as required on the Business Detail Form will be listed as required as well.

Additional Entity Info

  • Click Additional Entity Fields in the bar across the top of the mapping fields to add multi-pick values for a business.

In your .csv import file, you must include one column per multi-pick value you are adding.

  • If you have multiple values for a single multipack field that you wish to map click Add then select the multi-pick field you wish to add to.

You can add as many as are necessary.

Map Contact Fields

The required fields for the Contact Import are First Name and Last Name but any fields marked as required on the Contact Detail form will be required as well.

Each row in the .csv file will create or update one row in the contact table. If the contact is already in the database (based on the rules in Basic Import Logic), no new record is created


If the contact Rep is blank in the source data for a given row it cannot be mapped by the user. In that instance, the tool will use the mapped or default value for the entity rep.

Additional Contact Fields

  • Click Additional Contact Fields in the bar across the top of the mapping fields to add multi-pick values for a contact and Custom Phones.

In your .csv import file, you must include one column per multi-pick value you are adding.

  • If you have multiple values for a single multi-pick field that you wish to map click Add, then select the multi-pick field you wish to add to.

You can add as many as are necessary. The same rules apply to Custom Phones.

  • If you have multiple columns you wish to map to a single Phone Type, click the Add button, and select the Phone Type you wish to add. Again, you can add as many as are necessary.

Map Address Fields

  • Click Address Fields in the bar across the top of the mapping fields to add your address information.

Satuit can hold one address for a Business and up to three addresses for a contact. Every contact has one mailing address. We do recommend that the mailing address of the Contact match the Business address.

  • If your file has only one address for both the Business and Contact map the Business Address fields then click the 'Same as Business Address' checkbox after Address 1 in Contact Addresses. Selecting this checkbox will auto-fill the first contact address.

The Business field and City or Zip fields are used to identify the Business into which a Contact is imported. Thus, one of the Business City or Business Zip fields is required for the import. However, the most accurate matching occurs with both are provided.


When mapping multiple addresses, the first contact address will be used as the “mailing” address.

Map SatuitCRA Portal Fields

If you have purchased SatuitCRA you can import the appropriate values into SatuitCRA fields on this screen.

Contact Import – Step 3: Add Unmapped Source Data Fields

Unmapped Fields

After you have completed mapping your fields, you may end up with fields that are unmapped. You can select to include any unmapped fields in a memo field in either the Contact or the Business form. The field for Contacts is "mcomment" and the Satuit default label for this field is Additional Contact Information. The field for Businesses is musertext1 and the default label for this field is Company Profile. If you decide not to import them at all then do not check either box.

  • Only values from the .csv columns mapped to the contact note field will be placed in the Comments field. We recommend that any unmapped fields be added to the contact note. Before importing, two carriage returns must be placed after the note text in the .csv column to move the text to a new line. As an example:
    • Has two young kids¶¶
    • e-mail: (unmapped e-mail field) ¶¶

Save Map and Begin Import After you have selected what you want to do with your unmapped fields you can either save the template for later use and not begin an import by clicking Save Template or you can save the template and begin the import by clicking Save and Start Import.


If the import process creates duplicate records due to differences in spelling or data entry errors, you can use the Satuit Merge tools to merge business or contact data.

Making Changes to an Existing Import

If, at the beginning of the process, you selected an import map to Edit/Start Import, your Step 3 screen will have additional options. You can either save changes to the existing template or save them as a new template. If you choose to save it as a new template, you can edit the Template Name and Description from this screen.


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