Rights & Configuring User Roles - System Admin

Administrator Rights

All admin rights for a specific role will be predefined and un-editable. See above for specific rights by role. Unlike the User Roles, which build on the Default User Role, the Admin Roles are to be exclusive and do not contain any rights not specifically mentioned.

Data Rights

For user roles, a full set of data permissions should be available. For each Satuit tab, one interface should incorporate all functions regardless of the root table. For example, the permissions for the Business Detail screen will include data from pBus, pAddress, pAsset, etc.

  • Assign – Allows users to assign the item to another rep
  • Add – Allows users to add a record of this type
  • Edit – Allows users to edit an existing record of this type
  • Delete – Allows users to delete an existing record of this type
  • Merge – Allows users to merge existing businesses or contacts
  • Move – Allows users to move an existing contact with another contact

Users Role Summary

Security Administrators should be able to add users to a role from both the Role Editor and the Rep Editor. From the Role Editor, you get a pick and move box of users; from the Rep Editor, you get a pick and move box of roles. You can also run the Satuit Default Reports from the UI by Clicking on Reports then Selecting On-Demand Reports. From the menu select Satuit Default reports and you have access to run a User Profile- Functions, User Profile-License, User Profile- Role, or User Profile- Team report that will outline the details.

We strongly recommend that no configuration changes be made without first discussing these changes with a change control group. No person should be authorized to make changes in the configuration tools without discussion of the possible impact. Satuit provides a sample change control form to help with this process.

Field Level Security

For user roles, you can set permissions on fields; this allows you to grant the permissions to edit certain fields for specific reps or teams. This allows you to set permissions at the field level and deny rights to edit data in a field or fields. To use, you would need to: 

  1. Select an existing role or create a new role. Note: Try not to modify the standard roles provided by Satuit for Field Level Security; this may confuse the line
  2. Select the appropriate permission from the list
  3. Select Edit to add a permission
  4. From the added permissions click on the edit icon next to the permission name. This will display a list of the fields granted access to this section will populate with all of the fields that are associated with that function. Select the field or set of fields you wish to deny access to


When assigning a role that denies access to specific fields to a user, verify that the user does not have another role that allows access to that field.

View Updates

Each details form has its own Audit view that can be granted by a function; Assign the function VIEW_UPDATES and each rep with this permission can click on View Updates under the More icon to see an audit of the record they are viewing.

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