Account Links Import Tool ⏯
Account Import – Step 1: Enter Template Information Differences
The Account Import feature functions very similarly to the Contact Import. Because of the many similarities, we will only be pointing out differences between the Account Import and Contact Import.
Import Method and Import Rules Differences
Step one of the Account Import differs from the Contact Import in two ways. First, for Import Method you can either Create new records only or you can create new records and update existing records. Create new records that will match a Business and create the Account if it does not exist. Create new records and update existing records that will match on a business and check if the account already exists. If the Account does exist, the Account will be updated with the information in the file. If the Account does not exist, the Account will be created.
The second difference is in the Import Rules. The duplicate checking for Account functions solely off the account field cudf3. The Satuit default label for this field is Account #. You can toggle it on or off if Create New Records is selected but it is always on if Create new records and update existing records is selected.
Account Import – Step 2: Map Satuit Data Fields with Source Data Differences
Differences Between Create New Records and Update Existing Records
When ‘Create New Records’ is selected your accounts will map to the appropriate business based on the Business Field selected in Satuit ID and the Source Data field selected in Source ID.
Create New Records
When Create new records and update existing records is selected you must make two mappings for the account. First, your accounts will map to the appropriate business based on the Business Field selected in Satuit ID and the Source Data field selected in Source ID on the first row. Second, to update existing Accounts you must map to the appropriate account based on the Account Field selected in Satuit ID and the Source Data field selected in Source ID on the second row.
Account Import – Step 3: Add Unmapped Source Data Fields Differences
The only difference here is unmapped fields are placed in musertext7. The Satuit default label for this field is User Memo 7.
Portfolio Data Import Wizards
Satuit provides easy-to-use import wizards that allow you to update Satuit with data from your back-office systems. Once you have created an initial import map, you can reuse that map as frequently as you like for daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly updates.
All three portfolio data imports work in the same way, so once you have mastered one of these imports, you can use all three. Each import writes to one of three separate, but identically structured tables (grids).
The wizard will look for the unique Account ID you choose, if that account ID is not found, then the row will not be imported. During the import process, you are given the option to either overwrite the data in the system or you may append the data.
The portfolio imports are designed to give a point-time snapshot of an investment account. The portfolio imports work in much the same way as the Contact Import and Account Imports in that fields from the .csv file are mapped to fields within Satuit and the data is imported across.
Account Links Import Tool
This tool requires v16.0+ of Satuit
Linking is a very powerful feature where contacts live in the system once at one entity but can be linked to other records as needed to help manage your complex relationships. The account links import tool lets you create those relationships in bulk using an Excel csv file. The tool allows you to link contacts to accounts and define the contact and account roles as well as set view on portal permissions for each contact and account. Additionally, you can choose to also link the contact to the account's entity and link the contact's entity to the account's entity.