Data Dictionary Report - System Admin

The Data Dictionary Report is a layout of the Satuit data tables in table format. Data dictionaries do not contain any actual data from the database, only bookkeeping information for managing it.

Field labels can be edited for the data dictionary. By clicking edit or double-clicking the field name the label can be edited. A pop-up window will appear to modify the label name or properties listed below.

Field Label – Click within the field to edit the label.

Admin. Comments – We have included this additional column in the data dictionary report that will provide details on any field in the Satuit database that has a purpose associated with it. This will help prevent the unintentional loss of functionality if a “special” field is removed or re-purposed.

User Help Text – Provides the ability to show a hover-over message on a field by field basis to provide a tip on formatting or explain the use of a field just by hovering over the question mark associated with that field label. Click to select the Show Help text on the detail form the text.

Show Help text on Detail Form – When this checkbox is selected the Help text that has been entered in on the User Help Text field will display in a Help hover over next to the field.

If the field is a checkbox you will have the option to allow users to edit the checkbox on the browse list by selecting the checkbox and saving the form. Note: Form rules will not be triggered when editing check-boxes on the browse list.

If the field is numeric you will configure the Number of Decimal Places that appear for that field.

The Used on Detail Form option will now allow you to see which fields are currently being used on the detail forms.

  • Field Name
  • Display Type
  • Data Type
  • Field Size
  • Table Name
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