Other System Administrator Functions - System Admin

Create Public Views

To make a Saved View public you will use the configure Browse list icon to configure your browse list, and you will be able to save your View. By saving your view, you are also saving your search criteria; the next time you select the saved view, it also runs your search. You can also save your view after you run a custom search to save the details from your search.

  1. Click Configure the current list icon to begin creating a saved view
  2. Make all necessary changes to your view and then name your view
  3. Select Public saved view, as highlighted below, and click Save Changes.

Publish Browse List

First, you must run a search then click on 'Configure'. Within the option, you will have the ability to publish the configured browse list to others. Please note you can only publish search results browse lists.

Merge Companies and Contacts ⏯

Satuit provides a very helpful tool for cleaning up and maintaining your data. After data conversion, or even in everyday use, you may find that there are duplicate companies or contacts. The Satuit merge tool will allow you to merge these records.


Pay attention; once the merge is complete it cannot be reversed.

  1. Click on the 'Merge Company' icon to merge the current company to another company.
  2. Click 'Yes' to continue
  3. The Pick business dialog box will display to allow you to search for the business you want to merge your current selection to.
  4. Type in all or part of the business name.
  5. Click 'Search'.
  6. Select the company from the list that is displayed from your search results; if the company name is not displayed in your results click 'Cancel'.
  7. Click 'OK' to complete the merging of the companies.
  8. The company you start with will be merged into the company you selected. The original company will be marked for deletion.
  9. Follow the same steps as above to merge contact records
  10. Contacts can only be merged within the same company.

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