Configurations - System Admin

Configure Search Screens

Full layout control is available for the search configuration. This gives you the ability to add or remove any field on the search screens. These tools work in the same manner as the Configure Screen tool.

When creating a search screen, it is not necessary to include all of the fields on the details screen search screen. While you may need to search on specific fields, searching on fields, such as Fax Number, will most likely never be used and will clutter up your search screen.

You will be able to configure all of your search screens. Configuring the search screens will require that you follow the same steps as outlined above to configure your detail forms.

Configure Private Data Forms

Private data forms are a new feature where you can allow access to store sensitive/private data within Satuit. The user permissions associated with this feature are: VIEW_PRIVATE_DATA, EDIT_PRIVATE_DATA, and CONFIGURE_PRIVATE_DATA. Each detail form will need to be configured where private data is needed. As the administrator clicks on Configure Private data forms.

  1. To configure a form Select Configure Private Data Forms from the System Administrator menu
  2. From the Add menu select the form you would like to add the private data field to
  3. Enter in the field name and select the field type, click OK

Configure Summaries

Summary View is an additional view (Detail Form) that can be accessed on the business and contact detail screens. Detail forms in Satuit are made up of a series of sub-forms. Fields are individual elements that can be added to a sub-form to customize the layout of a detailed screen.

The Configure Summaries tools work in the same manner as the Configure Screen and Configure Search Screen tools.

You can configure the summaries of the business or contact screen by selecting the summary view you wish to configure from by choosing from the dropdown.

In the Business Summary form, you have the option to add fields from the Business and Address tables along with a list of objects from the Business Detail form.

In the Contacts Summary form, you have the option to add fields from the list of objects from the Contact Detail form.

Relationship Roll Up and Summary View ⏯


Data Driven Form Configurations

You can now create forms showing only the relevant fields for the record selected. This optimizes the user experience and reduces the noise on the screen by removing unnecessary fields. Using a Picklist field for a Record Type, Admins can create forms that are dictated based on the Picklist value selected.

For example, create bespoke Activity forms based on the Activity Type (phone call, email, etc.) for the Activity.

How to:

  • System Administration > System Configuration > Manage Form Groups > Picklist Value
    • Create Form Groups
      • Select Picklist values that should use the same form configuration
      • Note: Any values not selected will use the default form configuration for the Record Type
  • System Administration > System Configuration > Forms Configuration
    • Once Picklist Value Form Groups are created, enable Picklist Value Group Forms
      • Once enabled, copy an existing form and select the desired Picklist Value Form Group to create and configure the form for that group
  • If Picklist Value Group Forms are enabled for a Record Type, when a new record is being created, the user will be prompted to enter a value for the applicable Picklist field to ensure the correct form is displayed

Example Screenshots:

  • Manage Form Groups


  • Forms Configuration


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