Recycle Bin - System Admin

Deleted Companies

Only the System Administrator can delete business/entity records from the database. Before a business record can be deleted, you must review the Deleted Business List within the Recycle bin. The Deleted Business List shows when a business was marked for deletion and who marked it for deletion.

DELETION IS FINAL! Once you run the delete function to delete a business, you will not only delete that business but all records associated with that business as well. You cannot recall the record! Review the deleted business report to make sure ALL the businesses marked for deletion should be deleted. Please note Businesses can also be deleted from the Recycling Bin.

  • On-Premise Clients Only: We suggest you check your backups. Restoring from a backup is the only way to retrieve records that have been permanently deleted
  • Before removing any business records marked for deletion, review the Deleted Business List
IMPORTANT: If you are not sure if a business should be deleted, check with the Satuit user who deleted the business. If any business should remain in Satuit the user can “Restore” the record.
  • Select all or individually select businesses to delete by using the checkboxes next to their names. If you are ready to permanently delete the selected business records, click Delete
  • When the system completes deleting the records, the entities marked for deletion will no longer be in the Satuit Database and all associated contacts, activities, etc. will also be deleted

Using the “Undo Deletion” Function, if a user accidentally marks a business for deletion in Satuit, the business can be unmarked by: logging into Satuit.

Access the Business Detail Form for the business that has been accidentally marked for deletion.

Notice the DELETED across the Business Detail Form.

Click on More and select Restore.

The business will no longer be marked for deletion.

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