Integration Links - System Admin

To add an Integration Link, open the System Administrator menu and select Integration Link under System Configuration. The form will allow a System Administrator to create, edit, and delete integration links. You will notice a set of default or common integration links to get users started. Integration Links can be created to include any database field as a parameter in the URL.



If you are not familiar with setting up parameters, please consult a member of your IT Team who can help you.

Create/Edit Link Form

A form allowing a System Administrator to add a URL, define how the URL will open, and set window properties for the URL.

  1. To create a new link, click on 'New'
  2. The Integration Link Setup window will open
  3. Enter the Link URL for the website. This may take a few attempts to get the correct URL
  4. Enter the Link Text that you would like to have displayed on the detail screens
  5. Enter the Description that you would like to have displayed on the detail screens
  6. Set the Width and Height, this will determine the size of the window when it opens up
  7. Select the detail form you want the link to show on. (In the example, the Business and Contact forms have been selected)
  8. After you have made all of the changes and selected your window properties, click Save on the top of the screen to save all of your changes

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