Archive A Contact - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

Users can archive contacts that have left their current business with a simple wizard under the Move menu.

This can be done by:

  • From the detail form of the Contact you would like to archive, click Move > Archive Contact
  • In the pop-up window, select the actions you would like to take (Remove the email address from the contact, Flag the contact as Do Not Mail, Add/Remove contacts from Roles or Mailing Lists and Deactivate from Portal for SatuitSIP® users)
  • If the contact was linked to Accounts/Reporting Requirements/Packages, you can choose which, if any, links should remain or be removed
  • Once the contact has been archived, it will be flagged in both browse lists and on the detail form. The Browse List will show the contacts in italic with the word ‘Archived’ added after the last name. On the detail form, the word ‘Archived’ is added in red to the top right corner of the window

When archiving contacts, you should follow the best practices below:

  • Remove the address details (but not the business name or city because it is useful to keep this for reference)
  • Mark them as Do not mail
  • Enter the short form (ex. Satuit) for the former employer company name in the Previous Employer field
  • Remove all Mailing items
  • Do not link an archived contact back to his/her old business. This may cause issues with the Rollup Views and other reports
  • When moving a contact to Archived you have the option to remove any Account and Reporting Requirement links


If not already done so, your Satuit Administrator will have to indicate in the Global Settings which entity is to be dedicated to archived contacts. We recommend creating an entity specifically for this purpose, something named such as ‘Archived Contacts’.

Moving, Merging, and Archiving Contacts ⏯

(How to archive a contact starts at 1:51 on the video below.)

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