Saved Views ⏯ - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

Create A Saved View

You can use the Configure icon to configure your Browse List and create a Saved View. By saving your view, you are also saving your search criteria. The next time you select the Saved View, it is also running your search. You can also save your view after you run a Custom Search to save the details from your search. Saved Views can also be added to your Home Page.

Click the Configure icon to begin a Saved View. Make all necessary changes to your view, name your view and click Save Changes.

To access your saved views, click on 'Saved Views'.

  • Sort the list by clicking on the sort button within the sort column you want to sort your Browse List on. If it is letters it will sort alphabetically; if it is numeric it will sort numerically. Clicking on the column heading a second time will reverse the sort order. To remove the sort, click a third time.
  • To print any Browse List, click on the Print Browse List icon to open the print dialog window. This option will allow you to print the Browse List, export it to Excel or create a PDF file.
Tip: If you find that you are always running the same search over and over again; make it a Saved View! By naming the search and saving it as a Saved View you are saving yourself time. Keep in mind your Saved View will always update unless you put date ranges or other constraints that are time-specific.

My Favorites

Any saved views that you frequently use can be moved into the My Favorite Views. To add an existing view to your favorites simply drag and drop the view into your favorites. The original will not move, it will just create a shortcut for you so you do not have to spend time looking for your favorites.

‘Save As’ for Saved Views

Allows the users to take an existing saved view, make a change to it (i.e. add a different field, apply additional filters on the results, change the sorting, etc.), and save it as a new saved view.

After running a saved view, you can filter, sort, and configure and Save As to utilize the existing saved view criteria to create your new view. Enter in a new or modified name to reflect your saved view configuration and select whether it should be saved publicly or privately.

Save with Filter

Within a list of search results, you can Save your browse list configuration with a Filter. When selecting the Save As option the ability to Save with Filter is also an option if you would like to save the applied filter to your browse list configuration.

Private vs Public Saved Views

With the default settings, a saved view will be saved as private unless you have the appropriate permissions to save it as public. Private saved views will only be accessible to the REP that has saved them. The public saved view can be accessed by all REPs. To save a saved view as public you must have the ‘CREATE_PUBLICVIEWS’ function added to your user permissions. Please contact your Satuit System Administrator for further information.

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