Linking - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

Link a Contact to a Business or Contact

Often individual contacts are associated with multiple companies, such as in the context of a consulting relationship. The contact, however, is always housed within a business.

  1. Locate the contact to be linked by clicking 'Search', then select 'Contact Search'
  2. Click on Contact Name then double-click to open the 'Detail' form
  3. Click on ‘Add’ in the Contact Links section
  4. Within the Link dialog box, enter the Business or Contact Name to which the contact will be associated. Click the 'Search' button to locate matches within the database
  5. Select the Business or Contact to link the Contact to. At the bottom of the window fill in the link details to define the nature of the relationship between the linked businesses from the perspective of both parties
  6. Once the relationship has been defined, click OK to save the link

Link a Business to Another Business

  1. Click Search from the main toolbar, select Business Search
  2. The Business Search screen will appear. Search for one of the businesses you would like to link
  3. From the search results on the Browse list, click the business to be linked
  4. In the Linked Relationships frame, click on ‘Add’ and select Business to link the selected business to another business
  5. SatuitCRM® displays a dialog box to enter the business name to link to the currently selected item
  6. Type the first few characters of the business and click Search. SatuitCRM® will display a matching list of items that begin with the letters entered
  7. Highlight the business name; at the bottom of the search window, fill in the link details to define the nature of the relationship between the linked businesses from the perspective of both parties
  8. Once the relationship has been defined from each perspective, click OK to save the link
  9. On the Business Detail form, click Save at the top of the screen to save changes made to the business record

Linking Fundamentals ⏯

Understanding Linked Relationships ⏯

Managing Branch Offices ⏯

Viewing Links

To examine established links for a business or contact:

  1. From the Business Browse List, select a business and click it to view the Business Detail form
  2. From the Links object, use the scrollbars to view links

Note: A linked relationship can be viewed in SatuitCRM® from either perspective. If it is a Business-to-Business link, then the relationship can be viewed from either business. If it is a Contact to Business link, then the relationship can be viewed from either the contact's business or the linked business.


Viewing Links on a Browse List

For v.16.9 and higher, you can view Linked Business and Contacts via the browse lists. To view them, you would configure the Linked Business and/or Linked Contacts fields which are available on the Entity (Business), Contact, Opportunities (Sales), Accounts, and Deal Flow browse lists. You may notice that if you hover over record you will see the full list of linked relationships. 

Note: Due to the nature of these fields, you can not sort or filter by them. 

Tracking Your Center of Influences ⏯

Editing a Business Link

To edit a link:

  1. From the Business Browse List, double click to open the Business detail form
  2. Within the Links section
  3. Double click on the Business Role to edit then click Save at the top of the detail form

Deleting a Business or Contact Link

To delete a link:

  1. From the Browse List, double click to open the Business or Contact detail form
  2. Make a single click to select the link you wish to delete. Click on the Delete button

Linked Relationships Searches

There is an option to the linked relationships search to show only linked items. The purpose of this option is to remove the query results from the list and show only the data linked to the results.

Click on the button at the top of the Search screen to display the Linked Relationships search option.

Here are some possible sample searches:

  • SEARCH: Business = company name + Role = Client + Show links only
  • RESULTS: a list of all of the business’s clients without including the business in the list
  • SEARCH: Class = Client + Role = Consultant
  • RESULTS: a list of consultants for the client, but not any of the clients
  • SEARCH: Sales Opportunity Role = Consultant
  • RESULTS: a list of all consultant driven sales opportunities

Linked Records Object

This feature allows for the linking of a single activity to multiple Opportunities or Accounts records. In addition, it standardizes the look and feels of how the linking relationships are displayed across the different record types. Note: to take advantage of this feature, you will need to configure this object to your Activity Detail form. Please contact your System Administrator or Satuit Support for additional information.

Document Linking ⏯

To increase the visibility and improve the document management capabilities of Satuit, we added the ability to view and add Document links directly from the Documents Tab for Opportunities, Accounts, Activities, and Deal Flow records.


To take advantage of this feature, your Satuit Administrator will need to add the "Document Relationships" object to the Document Detail form in the Forms Configuration.

Link Parent and Sub Accounts ⏯

Satuit can link accounts to a parent account, which is very useful in situations such as Outsourced CIOs, consultant relationships, high net worth families, and limited partners/funds. On your Account detail form, you can check the ‘Is Parent Account?’ checkbox to signify that record as a parent account. Once selected, you will notice a new section shown at the bottom of the Account detail form; this section allows users to associate a child account to the parent account, which will populate the ‘Parent Portfolio Code’ field. Please note that you can only associate one parent account per child account, but a parent account can have multiple child accounts. If you don’t already have this field, contact your system administrator or the Client Success team to configure these 2 fields to your Account screen.

Create Account Links in Bulk

Multiple contacts can be linked to an account at one time. Each contact that is being linked to the account will need to have their Role selected to save all of the links.

Copy Account with Links and Reporting Requirements

The copy Account feature allows you to select whether or not to copy Linked Contacts and Reporting Requirements to the new Account. When you copy the account it will make an exact copy of the account and linked contacts and reports if selected; the copied account will have the word ‘Copy’ in the Account number/portfolio code (vw_pclientinfo.cudf3) field.

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