User Preferences - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

User Preferences are located on the top right-hand corner of the screen and indicated as a gear icon. Within the Preferences menu, each individual user can set their personal preferences.

Manage Your User Preferences ⏯

Account Information

Primary Email Address

Your work email address should be entered into this field as it is set up by your system administrator by default.

Additional Email Addresses

If you will be sending emails from different email accounts, you can add the email addresses here to allow for them to be picked up with Satuit2GO® emails sent.

Satuit2GO® Email Address

If you use Satuit2GO®, the email address that is displayed here will be automatically BCC’d when sending emails from Satuit2GO® - which will create the activity automatically within SatuitCRM®. Alternatively, you can also use this address when sending a response to an email to have the activity created for you in SatuitCRM®.

Change Password

To change your password after you are logged in:

  • Select ‘Tools’ from the ‘Navigation’ menu, then select ‘Preferences’
  • Enter your business email address
  • Enter your old password, then enter your new password twice to confirm
  • Click on the ‘Save’ icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen

When you have successfully changed your password, it will display a confirmation in the preferences window.

Personal Settings

Business Default View

Each user can set their preference on which initial view they see when opening a Business/Entity record; Detail form, Summary view; or Relationship Roll Up view. The Summary View shows the information associated with the business/entity and the Relationship Roll Up shows information associated with the business/entity and any linked businesses/entities. To set your default view: Select your preference and click on the Save icon in the upper left corner of the preferences window. This is set by default to Detail form and users can switch between each view manually as well.

Contact Default View

Each user can set their preference on which initial view they see when opening a contact record, the Detail form or Summary view. The Summary View shows the information associated with the contact. To set your default view: Select your preference and click on the Save icon in the upper left corner of the preferences window. This is set by default to Detail form and users can switch between each view manually as well.

Reporting Requirements Default View

Set your Reporting requirements to object within your Account detail form to open to your preference of Contact Links, Reports, or Reporting Requirements with CC’s. When an Account record is opened, you can switch between each view manually as well. To set your default view: Select your preference and click on the Save icon in the upper left corner of the preferences window.

Activity Linked Relationships Default View

Set your Linked Records to object within your Activity detail form to open to your preference of Opportunities, Accounts, or Deal Flow records. When an Activity record is opened, you can switch between each view manually as well.

Relationship Roll Up and Summary View ⏯

Language and Country

Users can set their preferred language and country settings to be used within the SatuitCRM®, SatuitSIP® Investor Portal, and Satuit2GO® applications. If blank, SatuitCRM® will attempt to detect your regional settings. Any changes made will be reflected on the next login.

Number of Records Displayed

Configure the number of rows that are displayed on a page each time you search. This can be set to between 10 and 200 rows of data per page.

Show Search Options

Select checkbox, then Save to have your search forms open with the Show Options section shown without having to click to display options. To hide options, select the Hide Options button.

Disable Confirmation

When adding a new record, SatuitCRM® will prompt you by asking if you are sure that you would like to add the new records to the selected business you are currently working in. By deselecting this checkbox, you will turn off the prompt.

Enable Smart Clicking

Smart Clicking allows you to click on a field of data and open the associated record type regardless of the type of browse list. For example: Viewing an Activities browse list but clicking on the contact's name will open the contact record. Smart Clicking has been turned OFF by default for all new users. Each individual can choose whether or not they would like to turn it back on.

Shortcuts To Your Data ⏯

Enable Unassigned Contact

The Outlook Add-in allows for users to enable unassigned contacts. When checked, the contacts and emails added via the Outlook Add-in that does not match via email will be added in the Unassigned Items Contacts tab within the Message Center. If desired, System Administrators can disable this for all users.

Manage Unassigned Items ⏯

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