Merge Companies/Contacts ⏯ - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

Merge Companies

The merge companies’ function allows the user to move all information from one business to another. The business being merged will be marked for deletion. You want to be careful when selecting a business merge because all merges are final. They cannot be undone. After selecting the merge companies’ option you will receive the Pick business screen. This is where you will choose the business that you wish the business to be merged into.

Make sure you retain the record with the most complete information or copy the information you would like to keep to the record. All of the Business Links will be retained during the merge.

Important: Merging companies may result in duplicate contact records. You will have to go into the contact screen and merge the duplicate contacts to clean up your data. You do not want to delete one of the duplicated contacts because doing so will disassociate the deleted contact’s opportunities, activities, etc.

Merge Contacts

Merging contacts is a similar process to merging companies. The major difference is that the contacts can only be merged with another contact of the business that they are located. To merge a contact to a separate business, you must select the move contact option, and then merge the contact after it has been moved to the desired business. Again, make sure not to delete one of the duplicated contacts because doing so will disassociate the opportunities, activities, etc. from the contact.

Important: During the merging of the duplicate contacts, carefully choose which contact will remain and which contact will be removed. Losing contact information will be lost except for links to the contact record, they will be retained when Merging.

During the merging of the duplicated contacts, you want to be careful to select the correct receiving contact because once the contact has been merged it cannot be undone.

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