Browse Lists - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

Configuring and Utilizing Browse Lists ⏯

Browse List Overview

A Satuit Browse List contains key fields from the Detail Form. Users can add and delete fields on the Browse List as well as change the order in which they appear.

  1. Click on the ‘Configure’ icon on the main toolbar to modify the selected ‘Browse List’
  2. Users can move the selected columns by dragging and dropping the field. To do so, place the cursor on the field name within the Current Field Names section and drag the field over the field name you would like your field to be placed below
  3. Users can also adjust the column width by placing the cursor on the column divider to be moved (a doubleheader arrow will appear) then click and drag the column until it is the desired width
  4. To remove a column, highlight the column and click the ‘Remove icon’. Alternatively, users can right-click over the named column and click ‘Remove’
  5. To add a column, click the field name you would like to add from the ‘Available Field Names’ then select the ‘Add icon’. Alternatively, users can drag and drop the field into the ‘Current Field>’ names section. If you add a field with the ‘Add’ icon, the field will be placed at the end of your selected ‘Current Field names’ section where it can be moved to the desired position. If you add a field by dragging and dropping it into the ‘Current Field names’, you may place it in your desired location
  6. The ‘Sort Order’ icon enables users to select the default sort order. Click the Sort option next to the field name once for ascending and twice for descending
  7. Select a ‘Filter’ field and type in a ‘Value’ to limit your search results directly on your screen
  8. To group fields, right-click on a column of data to Group by that data point
  9. Users can ‘Lock Columns’ by right-clicking on a column to lock that column. This will allow you to scroll across a wide list while holding the first column(s) in place
  10. The ‘Show Total’ option is enabled by right-clicking on a column to show the total of that value within the field/column selected
  11. There is an option to hide unused fields by selecting the box within the configure screen
  12. Click the ‘Save Changes’ icon to commit your changes or click the ‘Cancel’ icon to cancel any changes
  13. In v16.0+ of Satuit the 'Attachments' field, which can be configured to a Document Browse List allows users to download document attachments directly from the Browse List. This enables users to view the document without having to open the full Document Record.

Records From and Total Results

This will list out the number of results that appear per page. After a search has been run you will see the total results displayed in the right-hand corner.

Default Browse List Configuration

Browse list columns can be rearranged without using Configure icon.

Drag & Drop Configuration – Click and drag a column of data within a Browse List to move the column into your desired location. Click Save to make this your default browse list configuration. Change the width by dragging the column divider

Rep Fields Available

We have allowed for the REP’s Full Name (not just UserID), Title, Phone, and email address to be available in different sections of SatuitCRM; reports, browse lists, mail merges, and email templates. This will allow for complete personalization when extracting information for communications with the clients/prospects and easier reporting where the REP name alone might not be enough. The Rep information is set up by the SatuitCRM System Administrator under each individual’s license.

Entity/Business Engagement Field


Allows users to easily see the level of engagement with their firms.

  1. Select 'Configuration' option on an entity/business search browse list
  2. Select 'Entity/Business' from the options on the left in the pop-up window
  3. Click and drag or click 'Add' to move this value to the browse list

Each Entity/Business will be granted a star for each criteria met:

  • Appointment in the last 180 Days
  • Appointment upcoming in the next 60 days
  • An Open Opportunity


The stars will normally be blue, but will show up in red if the Appointment in the last 180 days is not marked ‘Completed’.

Icons for Activity Status on Browse Lists


On the Activity Browse lists, the ‘Status’ column shows the colored icons based on whether the activity is done/undone or its past due date.

To Add:

  1. Click Configure from the Activity browse list
  2. Select + next to Activities and select the Status field
  3. Exclamation Point: Activities where the ‘Start Date’ is less than today
  4. Green Star: Activities where ‘Start Date’ is greater than or equal to today
  5. Blank: Any activity marked ‘Done’


This replaces the previously used red, green, orange text criteria in earlier versions of Satuit.


Browse List Preview Pane (v17.3+)

The browse list preview pane will allow the user to the view the form of the selected record while reviewing other records on the browse list. This will give the user the ability to view additional information about the selected record, without having to leave the browse list itself. The user will be able to view linked relationships, associated records, document attachments (amongst other information) without clicking into a specific record.

The Preview Pane will be enabled by default for users. Pane is enabled/disabled selecting Preview button on the Browse List toolbar.

  1. Last setting (enabled or disabled) will be remember, per Browse List
  2. Preview Pane is read-only
  3. Within the Preview Pane, available icon functions:
    • Switch form (when multiple forms are available) Open form in full screen (opens editable form)
    • Open form in full screen (opens editable form)
    • Open form in new tab/window (opens form via direct link)

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