Bulk Add Package - SatuitPAC®

The Bulk Add Package feature can be used to create multiple packages at a time. 

  • First, run a contact search to pull up a browse list of the recipients that will be linked to the new reports
  • Once the browse list is displayed, choose the Bulk Add-Package option under the SatuitCRA® menu
  • You can choose to not create a package for certain contacts by unchecking the box next to their name
  • Click Next
  • Choose a package template for the packages being created
  • Click Next
  • From the Package Details screen, you can edit the Output Type for the packages being created.
  • Click Create Package
  • The bulk add package task will then be added to the My Reports/Outputs queue where you can view the status of the task
  • Search for packages by filtering on open vs closed accounts
  • Configure package search form
  • Search packages
  • Select yes or no and search
  • Configure package browse list to show Linked Accounts
  • Search on packages
  • Click configure
  • Expand Package node
  • Select Linked Account and add
  • Press save
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