Home Page - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

Home Page Overview ⏯

The Satuit Home Page is seen when first logging into the system to help the user quickly navigate to their commonly used actions, saved views, and metrics. The Home Page can be customized by each individual user based on their preferences. Upon login, the user will already have the Default Home page, which is designed to provide users a simplified experience. The Default Home Page consists of Recent Items, Upcoming Appointments, and Upcoming Tasks default Lists. The Home Page acts as the command center for quick and easy access to the information you need, updated in real-time. Once you have identified the information you want to see you can create Saved Views with varying details quickly and easily and modify your Home Page accordingly. The layout is fully customizable, so you can resize your buttons and lists as well as use the drag-and-drop functionality to position Buttons, Lists, Charts, Quick Links, and Default Lists.

Manage Other Users ⏯

Satuit Administrators and users with the “Manage_Homepages” permission have the ability to configure Home Pages for other users. When you select the Edit button, a Manage Home Page picklist will appear in the upper left section of the page. Your rep name will be the default selection but you are also able to select any other User account. Once you have selected the User Home Page you wish to modify, configure as you would normally, and once complete select Done. The new Home Page configuration will be displayed for that user the next time they view the Home Page.

You can also define a Default configuration which will be displayed for any new users when they first log in. This will replace the Satuit default setup of Recent Items, Upcoming Tasks, and Upcoming Appointments for all new user licenses.

Button ⏯

On the Home page, users can create Buttons to summarize data from any Saved View. The Count option is used to provide the number of items in the selected Saved View, such as the number of open opportunities, past-due activities, or accounts with a product. The Sum feature allows you to add up the values in a numeric field on any Saved View, enabling users to summarize data such as the total AUM of ‘At Risk’ accounts, the target assets of open opportunities, or the total fees for a group of accounts.

When configuring a Home Page button, users can select from 14 different icons to reflect the data contained behind the button.


List ⏯

The List option on the Home page displays the first 20 records of the selected Saved View using the first four fields of the Saved View to identify the records by default. Users can then configure the List display to customize what fields and text they want to be displayed for the List within the Home Page. Users can also select View All to show all the records that makeup that Saved View and make it the active “My List” for access across the application.

Chart ⏯

This object allows CRM users to add Charts directly to the Home Page. When adding this object type in Home Page Edit mode you can select from all charts you have created using the Dashboard tool as well as any other Public charts created by other members of your firm. Charts can be re-sized and positioned anywhere on the Home Page and you can include multiple charts as well. Once configured, users can promote the Chart and interact with both the Chart and underlying detail records, or download it into a PNG or PDF format.


Learn how to create a chart so that you can add it to your Home Page.

Quick Links ⏯

A Quick Links option enables users to create a shortcut to any item on the Satuit main menu. Configuring Quick Links allows you to consolidate your common actions into one place for easy access.

Multiple Home Page Views 

Satuit enables users to create multiple information views. The new features combines the existing Dashboards with Home Pages, creating the ability to toggle between multiple customizable Home Page views which users can select based on their responsibilities. 

Individual users can also make any Home Page a Favorite, providing quick and easy access to the views they use most regularly. In addition, Satuit will remember which Home Page you were on last, simplifying the navigation of the system.

Satuit users with the "Public_Views" permission can make any Home Page visible for other users to view by designating any Home Page as Public. This powerful feature makes it easy to collaborate and share information between users.



NOTE: Any users' Dashboards created in versions prior to v16.7 were converted to Home Pages; the Dashboard option on the left-side menu will no longer be available starting with v16.7+.

Default Lists ⏯

The Default List options are created by Satuit and are designed to aid users with customizing their Home Page with user-specific lists available to choose from including:

  • Recent Items - Provides a List of the items the user recently modified in Satuit.
  • Upcoming Appointments – Displays any upcoming and overdue appointments for the user grouped by day
  • Upcoming Tasks – Displays any upcoming and overdue activities (excluding appointments) for the user grouped by day
  • My Open Sales – Displays open sales opportunities for the user
  • My To-Do List – Displays a combined list of open appointments and tasks for the user
  • Recently Updated Activities for My Accounts – Provides a List of any Activity items recently modified that are linked to the user’s Account(s)
  • My Recently Updated Business – Provides a List of the Businesses the user recently modified in Satuit
  • My Recently Updated Contact – Provides a List of the Contacts the user recently modified in Satuit
  • My Recently Activities – Provides a List of the recent Activities the user entered
  • My Recently Updated Opportunities – Provides a List of the Opportunities the user recently modified
  • My Recently Updated Accounts – Provides a List of the Accounts the user recently modified
  • My Accounts – Displays a List of Accounts that the user is the owner of within Satuit
  • *Recent Portal Failed Logins – Shows your recipient's last login attempts which failed. This can be helpful when trying to identify investors that are struggling to access their records. (Only applicable to SatuitSIP users) 

Embedded Links (Requires v16.9+)

Users and Homepage Admins may now add Embedded Links to Homepage Views

  • Enter the URL and configure the Embedded Link Panel within the desired Homepage view
  • Provide quick access to Internal or frequently referenced sites

*Note* Site must allow the page to be embedded



External Links 
Users and Homepage Admins can add an External Links panel to Homepage Views, allowing Users to create shortcuts to pertinent websites directly from Satuit. You can add as many links as you would like with the URL and description with an easy drag and drop configuration to order links. Each link will open in a separate tab or window based on browser settings.

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