Email Templates ⏯ - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

With Email Templates, you can quickly send out a follow-up note or any other template message without spending the time typing each one every single time. Email Templates will allow you to ensure that all email communications maintain:

  • Professional and personalized messages
  • A consistent look and feel
  • Same message from all team members
Important: Satuit’s Email Templates are only compatible with Microsoft Outlook.

Email templates enable users to send emails to contacts and linked contacts from yourself or on behalf of another (permission will need to be granted via System Administrator and Outlook will need to be configured). Users can preview and edit individual emails and categorize them as Public/Private and My Favorites folders to help better organize your templates.

Creating Email Templates

Following the steps below, you can create a new, customized Email Template:

  • Click Tools > Email Templates in the left navigation pane
  • Click on Manage Templates
  • Click Add
  • Select the type/location of the new template
  • Add Template Name and select the Scope and Format
  • Add a Description to your message. The description will only be seen internally and is best used to describe what the template should be used for
  • Add a Subject Line to your new email; this will also serve as the title of your message when you are selecting it from a list of templates
  • If the email should include an attachment, add it at this time by clicking on the Attach button. By attaching a document to the template, you can ensure each message that goes out includes the attachment
  • Add the Body of your message
  • Using the Available Field Names, you can select from fields within SatuitCRM® to personalize the message. Select the field and double-click to add it to the body of your message
  • Click Save. Your template will be added to the list of available templates to use

Email Template Editor Options

Whether editing an existing Email Template or creating a brand new one, the Email Template Editor provides you with many different options for customizing your template. Below is a list of options available, and a brief description.

  • Import Template: This allows you to Import existing HTML templates into your email template editor
  • Save: Saves all changes to the template and saves it to the selected scope for future use
  • Scope: Each email template that is created will need to be assigned a Scope; by default, the scope will be Private
  • Private: email templates saved with a Private scope will only be able to be accessed by the individual that has saved them
  • Public: email templates can be accessed by everyone. To save templates to the public scope you must have the ‘EMAILTEMPLATES_ADMIN’ role added to your user permissions
  • Format: This allows you to select the format in which you would like to create your email
  • HTML: This allows you to send emails that may be formatted to contain pictures or other items that may require HTML formatting
  • Plain Text: This allows you to send text emails without formatting
  • High Importance: If your message is urgent or important click on the High Importance icon
  • Font: Select the font you would like to create your message in from the list of available fonts. If you do not see the font you would like to use, you may use the Import option to import in an existing HTML template that contains your desired font
  • Text Formatting Options: When you are creating your message, you can use any of the following options to format your text: Bold, Italic, Underline, Increase Font Size, Decrease Font Size, Align Text Left, Center Text, Styles, Strike Through, Subscript, Superscript and Align Text Right
  • Hyperlink: Select the text you wish to make a hyperlink and click on the hyperlink icon to insert the URL for your link
  • Image: Click this to insert an image into your message
  • Table: Click this to insert a table into an email and select the properties for the table
  • Numbered List: Click this to start or insert a numbered list into your email
  • Bulleted List: Click this to insert a bulleted list into your email
  • Table: Click this to insert a table; set your table parameters within the edit table dialog box
  • Undo: If you have made changes to your template and would like to undo them, click on Undo icon
  • Redo: This allows you to redo a change if you previously clicked the Undo icon
  • Source: This allows you to view the source code for the email

Adding Satuit Fields to the Email Template

While composing the body of your message you can add fields to your templates to create personalized messages. Click on the table folder to see the available fields. Select the field to add to your message and double-click to add a field.

Availability of Fields

When creating email templates within SatuitCRM®, certain fields are available on specific tables for email templates. Within each template type, the available fields will be displayed on the left-hand side; for adding to your email templates.

Important Note: Email Templates are only available under the tab in which they are created. Rep Full Name, Email address, and Title fields are also available to be added to the email templates.

Availability of Rep Fields

We have allowed for the REP’s Full Name, email, and title to be available in different sections of the application. Within email templates, the Rep fields can be added to new or existing email templates. The table below outlines which Rep field is available when creating email templates in different locations:

Email Template Location

Rep Fields Available


Business Rep


Contact Rep

Sales Opportunity

Sales Opportunity Rep


Activity Rep


Document Rep

Mailings & Events

Mass Mail Rep

Accounts & Reporting Requirements

Business Rep

Contact Availability from Detail Forms

From each detail form you open, the Email Templates option will present you with the contacts that are associated with that particular item. Below we have listed out the different detail forms and which contacts are available within each to send an email template message to.

Detail Form

Contact Availability


Contacts at the business, but not linked contacts


Contact for which the detail form was opened


Contacts linked to the opportunity & Primary Contact


Contact & Additional Contacts from Activity


Contact & Additional Contacts from Document

Mailing & Events

Contact from Mailing & Events record


Contacts linked to the Account

Editing Email Templates

To edit an existing template:

  • Edit an Existing Template
  • Click on Email Templates in the Tools menu
  • Click the Manage Template button
  • Select the template that you wish to edit from the existing list, click Edit
  • Make your desired changes
  • Click Save

Email Template for a Single Contact Record

  • Open the Contact record that you would like to send your message to
  • Click on More… then Select Email Templates
  • Select the template that you would like to send
  • Click on the Generate Email icon, this will generate the email and personalize it for the contact selected
  • Click Send or Send and Create Activity to complete the email

Email Template to Mass Mail a list of Contacts

Email Templates are located under the Tools menu and enable you to send emails to contacts and linked contacts from the search results list. Steps to send:

  • Search for the audience (a group of businesses or contacts)
  • Click on Tools, select Email Templates
  • Select the desired Email Template, and click Generate Email
  • Email Templates window Step 1 of 3 will open
  • Select the Contacts and Linked Contacts to send the Message to by selecting the checkbox to the left of the Name
  • Click Next
  • Email templates window Step 2 of 3 will open
  • Select ‘From’ (By default your Outlook email unless you have permission to send on behalf of another Rep. Outlook and SatuitCRM® permissions must be set up for this feature)
  • Select Mail Tracking and Type of Mailing and Date Sent
  • Click Next
  • Email templates window Step 3 of 3 will open
  • Select a contact(s) to Preview the message; Click Send to send out the Emails
  • A warning message will pop up to let you know that you are going to send; Click Yes to send or No to cancel
  • After the email has been sent, you will receive a confirmation that your message(s) have been sent

Sending from Other Detail forms

  • Open the detail form record
  • Click on More... then Select Email Templates and select the template that you would like to send
  • Click on the Generate Email icon, this will generate the email and pull up the list of contacts for you to select from
  • Click Send or Send & Create Activity to send the email

Sending with a Watermark

When you are sending to a list of contacts you will have the option to watermark the document that is attached to the email template. To add a watermark, follow the steps below:

  • Click on Add Watermark
  • The watermark settings will open allowing you to add a custom watermark or include fields of data from SatuitCRM®
  • Available Field Names: Lists the fields of data that are available for that template to use for watermarking document
  • Font: Select the font that the watermark will appear as
  • Opacity: This allows you to set the opacity of the watermark for the document
  • Text: Enter in your custom watermark or use the available fields to create the watermark text
  • Position: Select from the option on where to have your watermark appear on the document
  • Click on Preview to view the Watermark on the attached document before sending

Email Templates for SatuitSIP® Investor Portal Only Clients

SatuitSIP® provides automated messages from the system to notify recipients of changes to their portal, including the publishing of documents. However, sometimes SIP Administrators may publish multiple documents on the same day, therefore, creating multiple email notifications to the recipients, one for each Published document.

Satuit Administrators can disable these automatic notifications for newly published documents, publish multiple documents to the recipient, then send a single notification once all documents are published with Email Templates. To do this, you can run an Advanced Search for any Contacts who have a Publish Date filled as today and send an Email Template notifying them that they have multiple documents waiting for them. This will ensure the recipient only receives one notification, as opposed to many, so they do not get flooded with notifications.

To access Email Templates, SIP only users will need to download the Satuit Outlook Add-In.

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