Deal Flow - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®

The Deal Flow tab is designed to help your research team manage the entire life cycle of the deal from the initial identification of prospective companies to the final details of closing the deal. Your fundraising team can easily import lists from third-party industry vendors and reactivate prospective investors who indicated that they wished to be contacted for a later round of funding.

While largely mimicking the functionality of the Accounts tab with a configurable set of data fields and importable/editable child grids, the Deal Flow tab can be used to:

  • Manage the life cycle of the deal
  • Track a universe of potential investments
  • Import data from 3rd parties
  • Capture all correspondence
  • Manage the contract and legal workflow
  • Leverage your internal and external resources
  • Create your fundraising pipeline with a few clicks
  • Track progress of fundraising
  • Manage capitals calls and distributions
  • Manage investor reporting
  • Integrate with Outlook and Lotus Notes
  • Mobile version for phones and tablets
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