Advanced Search ⏯ - SatuitSIP®/SatuitCRM®


Types of Searches

Below is a list of the types of searches and their descriptions. The names and availability of these search types are dependent on your site’s configuration and licensing.

  • Business: Allows for searching upon all basic business details
    • Asset Detail Search - Allows for searching on Total Assets, Plan Type, and Currency
    • Asset Summary Search - Allows for searching on Service Type, Service Provider, Percent, Assets, and Asset Type
    • Fund Sales Search - Allows for Searching on any customized fields that have been placed into the Fund Sales Summary Business form object
  • Contacts: Allows for searching on basic contact details
    • Fund Sales Search - Allows for searching on any customized fields that have been placed into the Fund Sales Summary Contact form object
  • Opportunities: Allows for searching upon all basic Opportunity details
  • Activities: Allows for searching upon all basic Activity details
    • Client Issue Search - Allows for searching upon all Client Issue fields
  • Documents: Allows for searching upon all basic Document details
  • Mailing & Events: Allows for searching upon all Mailing & Events details
  • Accounts: Allows for searching upon all Account details
    • Fees & History Search - Allows for searching upon Fee and History grid from the Account screen
    • Holdings Search - Allows for searching upon Holdings grid from the Account screen
    • Performance Search - Allows for searching upon Performance grid from the Account screen
    • Reporting Requirements Search - Allows for searching upon Reporting Requirements
    • Linked Business Search - Allows for searching upon Businesses that have been linked to Accounts
    • Linked Contacts Search - Allows for searching upon Contacts that have been linked to Accounts
  • Deal Flow: Allows for searching on the basic Deal Flow details
    • Deal Financials - Allows for searching on financial information associated with the Deal Flow records
    • Linked Business Search - Allows for searching upon Businesses that have been linked to Deal Flow records
    • Linked Contacts Search - Allows for searching upon Contacts that have been linked to Deal Flow records
  • Package: Search information related to the packages including the type of package details and associated contacts, business/entities, and accounts
  • Custom Search: This allows for building complex searches that cannot be done through basic searches

Back to Search

To make searching easier, the ‘Back To’ search screen option will return you to the search criteria screen, retaining your previous selections.


When going back to the last run search, your search criteria are automatically retained. To clear your search criteria, click on the Clear icon.


To run a search, click on the ‘Search’ button or press Enter on your keyboard from within a search form.

Show Search Options

The ‘Show Options’ button displays additional, more advanced search options. Users can opt to show the additional options by default by going to the ‘Preferences’ menu on the top right corner of the screen, viewing the ‘Personal Settings’ tab, and selecting ‘Show search options on search forms’ by default.

Browse List Toolbar

Pages of results – arrows will advance you to the next or previous page of results at the far right of the Browse List toolbar.

Back To

From the list of search results, you can select the ‘Back To’ icon and it will take you back to the search screen where you just performed your previous search. The last set of search options are maintained, use the ‘Clear’ option if you want to start a new search from scratch.

Type of Search

A label on the browse list toolbar indicates the type of search/results.


The ‘Print’ icon enables users to print any browse list of results on your screen to PDF, HTML 4.0, Word, or XML file format. This icon can also be used to export the browse list results to Excel. Click on the Printer icon to open the print dialog window where you select the format you desire and can change the title, font, and size of your printed list.

Include Linked

To help Satuit users better understand the complex relationships within their clients, prospects, and consultants, Satuit has a menu option called ‘Include Linked’ under each browse list under a business. When selected, Satuit will display all records associated with the current and linked businesses. For example, when you select ‘Include Linked’ on a Contact Browse List, the system will display the contacts for the current entity along with contacts for all the linked entities. This option is available for all tabs; Documents, Opportunities, Mass Mail, Accounts, Dealflow, and Packages.

For Activities, there is an additional option under the ‘Include Linked’ icon labeled ‘Previous Employer’. This option will display activities for all the contacts at the current business and all activities from all the contacts’ previous employers. This feature can help the user understand the full history with that contact, avoiding the potentially embarrassing situation where you reach out to the contact introducing your firm when they have been working with the firm for years at their prior employer.

Search Return Type

Users can search upon a specific table of data within Satuit and then select a 'Return Type' by clicking the ‘Show Options’ icon to make the Return Type field available. This allows users to return a list of results from a different table of data. Examples of how this can be used are:

  • Search for all ‘Large Cap’ sales opportunities and select the ‘Return Type’ of ‘Opportunity Linked Contacts’. Receive a list of contacts linked to the sales opportunity list, which can then be used with the Mail Merge and Activity Plan Manager
  • Search for all ‘Emerging Markets’ accounts and select the ‘Return Type’ of ‘Account Linked Contacts’. Receive a list of contacts linked to the account list, which can then be used with the Mail Merge and Activity Plan Manager
  • Search for all ‘Appointments’ for the past 3 months and select the ‘Return Type’ of ‘Business’. Receive a list of all the businesses you have had appointments with in the last 3 months

Inverse Search

An Inverse option is available for basic searches under the ‘Show Options’ menu. This will return all results not matching the search criteria. For example: Search all Businesses that are not Consultants, or all Contacts not on the Holiday Card list. The inverse option can also be used in conjunction with the Return type to search for specific results. For Example, Businesses that you have not had any activities with: Search for Activities; in the 'Start' date field select Previous 12 months, Select the Return type as Business, and select Inverse. This will return Business that you have not had any activity within the past 12 months.

Search for Deleted Reps

Satuit includes a field that can be configured onto your Opportunity, Activity, Mailings & Events, Document, Business, and Contact search forms to allow you to search for Reps that are no longer active within Satuit. If this field is not on your search form, contact your System Administrator or submit a Support Ticket to Satuit to configure this field on the search forms.

Searching on Linked Relationships

In Satuit, you have the option to search on linked relationships.

Search Options

To see the options for searching on linked relationships, click on the Show Options button which is located towards the top on the right-hand of your search screen. Alternatively, you can set your preferences to display search options by default by checking the ‘Show search options on search forms’ checkbox under 'Preferences' and 'Personal Settings'.

Include Linked Relationships

Within the search options, you will need to select if you would like to include linked relationships in the search results. Below you will find the options defined.

  • No - Selecting this option will not include linked relationships in your search, this is the default setting
  • Yes - Linked Only - Selecting this option will allow you to narrow down your results and only show business that are linked, separating the businesses that are not linked to another business and only show you the ones that are linked
  • Yes - All Results - Selecting this option in the list will ensure that you see your search results and those linked to your criteria


By selecting a value from the 'Role' Picklist you can further specify how the businesses are linked and see the results; for example, you may want to see a list of all businesses that are linked with a Role of Branch Office.

Search On

Within the Contact Search screen, users have the option to ‘Search On’ for ‘Primary Recipient’, ‘CC Recipient’, and ‘Primary and CC Recipient’. The enables users to choose to limit or expand the relationships by Primary or CC recipients with the Account screen.

Return Types

A powerful feature when searching is the ability to change the ‘Return Type’. Under normal situations, running a business search will automatically return business information, and doing an opportunity search will by default bring back opportunities. By modifying the ‘Return Type’, users can bring back other related data points.

Sample Searches

Sample Search – Businesses Linked to Accounts with Role of ‘Consultant’

To search for Businesses that are linked to Accounts by the business role of consultant:

  1. Click on ‘Linked Business Search’ within the ‘Account’ search options
  2. Select all ‘Products’ and change the ‘Return Type’ from ‘Linked Business’ to ‘Linked Business by Account’
  3. Click on ‘Search’
  4. If not already there, configure your Browse list to add the ‘Business Role’ column and save your changes
  5. Click on the filter button and enter ‘Consultant’

Sample Search – Businesses with Active Opportunities Involving Consultants

To search for a list of businesses that have Active Opportunities that involve a consultant:

  1. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ and click on ‘Opportunities’
  2. Select all the ‘Products’
  3. Click on ‘Show Options’ if you do not already have the additional search options selected
  4. Change the ‘Return Type’ from ‘Opportunities’ to ‘Business’
  5. Select ‘Consultant’ from the ‘Contact Role’ field under the ‘Linked Relationship’ section
  6. Select ‘No’ from the ‘Account Closed’ field
  7. Click on ‘Search’

Sample Search – Accounts without Reporting Requirements Setup

As part of an audit of your accounts, you may want to search for accounts that do not have any reporting requirements set up. To do this, you should:

  1. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ and then ‘Reporting Requirements Search’ under ‘Accounts’
  2. Select all the reports under the ‘Report’ field
  3. Click on ‘Show Options’ if you do not already have the additional search options selected
  4. Change the ‘Return Type’ from ‘Reporting Requirements’ to ‘Accounts’
  5. Select ‘Consultant’ from the ‘Contact Role’ field
  6. Select ‘No’ from the ‘Account Closed’ field
  7. Check the ‘Inverse’ box
  8. Click on ‘Search’

Sample Search – All Consultants Linked to Clients

To search for all Consultants that are linked to your clients you can follow the steps below to return the list of results.

  1. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ from the right-side navigation menu and select ‘Business’
  2. Within the search screen’s ‘Show Options’ menu, select ‘Yes- Linked Only’ from ‘Include Relationships’ and select the ‘Role’ of ‘Consultant’
  3. Within the Business Search fields select the relationship type of ‘Client’
  4. Click on ‘Search’ in the upper right-hand corner

The results list will be all the Businesses where they have been linked to a Client Business with the Role of Consultant. If you want to search for all clients and all consultants associated with your clients, select ‘Yes- All Results’ from the ‘Include Linked Relationships’ menu.

Sample Search – All Business Linked to Custodians for Anne

To search for all businesses for a specific REP (Anne) and are linked by the relationship of Custodian:

  1. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ from the right-side navigation menu and select ‘Business’
  2. Within the search screen’s ‘Show Options’ options menu, select ‘Yes-Linked Only’ from the ‘Include Relationships?’ section and select the ‘Role’ of ‘Custodian’
  3. Choose the Rep (Anne) from the Business Search Fields
  4. Click on ‘Search’ in the upper right-hand corner

In the steps above if we had chosen ‘Yes - All Results’, the list of results would display All of Anne's businesses and all linked Custodians.

Sample Search – Contacts with a Relationship Link of Consultant

To search for all contacts who are linked to Clients with the role of Consultant:

  1. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ and select ‘Contacts’
  2. Select ‘Client’ from the ‘Relationship Type’ field
  3. From the ‘Show Options’ menu, select ‘Yes-Linked Only’ from the ‘Include Relationships’
  4. Choose ‘Consultant’ from the ‘Role’ field
  5. Click on ‘Search’ in the upper right-hand corner

Sample Search: Open Opportunities Linked to Any Consultant

If you would like to see a list of opportunities linked with any linked consultant. Follow the steps below.

  1. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ from the right-side navigation menu and select ‘Opportunities’
  2. Click on ‘Show Options’ if you do not already have the additional search options selected
  3. Select the ‘Role’ of ‘Consultant’
  4. Select ‘No’ under ‘Closed’
  5. Click on Search

Sample Search – Open Opportunities to a Consultant

To search for all open opportunities for a specific consultant:

  1. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ from the right-side navigation menu and select ‘Opportunities’
  2. Click on ‘Show Options’ if you do not already have the additional search options selected
  3. Enter the Consultant First name and Last name search fields (i.e. ‘Ronald Smiley’) or the Business name then select the ‘Role’ of ‘Consultant’
  4. Select ‘No’ under ‘Closed’
  5. Click on Search

Sample Search – Primary Reporting Requirements Showing CC’s

To search for the primary recipient and CC’d contacts on the Reporting Requirement records (which is particularly useful if you are checking to make sure your reporting requirements have the right contacts assigned):

  1. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ from the right-side navigation menu and select ‘Accounts’ then ‘Reporting Requirements Search’
  2. Select ‘No’ from the ‘Account Closed’ field
  3. Select ‘Primary Recipient’ from the search options
  4. Click on ‘Search’
  5. If not already on your browse list, client the ‘Configure’ button and add the ‘CC List’ field under the ‘Reporting’ menu.
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