Previous Satuit Technologies Release Highlights - v15.4 - v16.7

Release 16.7

Satuit Platform Changes

Expanded Home Page Views 

To increase the analytic and drill down capabilities of Satuit, the 16.7 release enhances the power of the Home Page by enabling users to create multiple information views. The new features combines the existing Dashboards with Home Pages, creating the ability to toggle between multiple customizable Home Page views which users can select based on their responsibilities. 

Individual users can also make any Home Page a Favorite, providing quick and easy access to the views they use most regularly. In addition, Satuit will remember which Home Page you were on last, simplifying the navigation of the system.

We have expanded the functionality of Home Page Management for Satuit Administrators as well. With the appropriate rights, these power users can designate any Home Page as Public, making it visible for other users to view. This powerful feature makes it easy to collaborate and share information between users.



NOTE: All existing of the users' Dashboards will be converted to Home Pages; the Dashboard option on the left-side menu will no longer be available.

Form Charts

Admins may now add charts to the Business, Contact, and Account forms. This addition is designed to display data in a much more digestible way for the user, and to provide an easier way to both view and analyze data sets within any of the above record types. Examples of this would be adding chart for the fund sales summary on the business detail form, or holdings data on the account detail form. 


SatuitSIP Changes

Account Recipient Lists Display

To streamline and further improve the efficiencies of the SatuitSIP, we've added an Account Recipient List section to the Account Contacts grid. This will allow the user to view all Linked Contacts on an Account Recipient List and Bulk Document Upload templates for the selected account. This update brings the multiple facets related to the Account Recipients onto one screen, reducing the number of steps needed to complete the process. 


Release 16.6

Satuit Platform Changes

Responsive Forms 

To take advantage of ever increasing variety of screen sizes, we have updated the User Interface to allow the forms to be responsive when resized. The Satuit application will now use all of the space available when viewing Detail, Summary, and Search forms. This will eliminate the excessive white space on the right-side.

Updated Visuals 

While working on the Responsive Forms, we made a few other updates to improve the visuals. These include: 

  • Updating the Fonts for easier reading
  • Updating the Section Headers for increased visibility
  • New formatting of key information sections including Aging Objects, Lead Scores, and Portal Scores 
  • Converting checkboxes to toggle sliders


REP Information

To help manage users more efficiently and be able to display additional REP level information, we have added in an additional, configurable memo field to the REP table. This field can be used to capture information such Team Name, Department, or Biographical Info. This field is accessible via:

  • Under each user's profile via User Preferences > Account Information
  • For the System Administrators via Tools > System Admin > Security > Users
  • Available via API
  • Available to be configured to any Browse List where the REP information is available

While we were at it, we Increased the REP Job Title field length to 180 Characters. This field can be updated under User Preferences > Account Information or via Tools > System Admin > Security > Users.

SatuitSIP Changes

Document Bulk Upload Automation

Want save time on your portal processing? We’ve revamped the Bulk Document Upload process to streamline Monthly/Quarterly process by running saved Bulk Document Upload templates. This change enables SatuitSDX to create a recurring, scheduled job that automates the Bulk Upload process, parsing files from a ZIP file or consolidated PDF and creating Satuit Document records. Removing the need to manually upload documents, users can simply review the uploaded documents and publish them to the Satuit Secure Investor Portal (SatuitSIP) once ready.

This new feature includes:

  • The ability to create Bulk Document Upload templates, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter Document details
  • Updates to the Satuit Data Exchange (SatuitSDX) Utility to automate the upload process, creating regularly scheduled jobs which check a local shared drive for new files to upload from 
    Satuit Data Exchange > SDX Configuration > Bulk Doc Upload

NOTE: This feature requires the Satuit API, contact your Satuit Client Success Representative for additional information.

Release 16.5

Satuit Platform Changes

User Groups with Multiple Detail and Search Forms

Satuit v16.5 introduces a major change to the user interface, we are excited to introduce the ability to have multiple detail and search forms within the application.


This change provides System Administrators greater flexibility to create a customized the data entry forms for the different types of users. For example, your Private Equity team can have a different set of detail forms than the Institutional team, or your Sales team can view different detail forms than the Client Service team. There is no limit to the number of customized views of detail forms you can create.


To help streamline the entry and management of forms, the Administrators can create User Groups, then create a detail and search form that has the optimal form layouts for each team that utilizes your instance. You can assign power users to multiple groups and allow them to toggle between layouts. If a user isn't assigned a group they will receive the default layout.


If you would like to introduce multiple  detail and search forms within your organization, please contact your System Administrator or

NOTE: To support this change, Internet Explorer will no longer be supported starting with Satuit v16.5.

A video with additional details can be found here.

Chart Formatting

To improve chart visual rendering of the charting on Dashboards and Home Pages, we have removed the Legend from Pie/Donut Charts as well as removed the data value on Column/Bar charts. Both are still available if you hover over the value within the charts. 


Report Admin Permission for Scheduled Reports

As the use of the existing Scheduled Reports option grows within the client base, we have added new permission that can be assigned to users called ADMIN_REPORTS. A user who has this permission can  view and edit all scheduled reports regardless of the user who created them, enabling them to update the scheduled reports after the initial created of the report schedule leaves the firm.


Contact your System Administrator or to access this feature.

Add Ability to Delete an Imported Report

In addition to our expansive list of standard reports, Satuit Users with the appropriate permissions and skills have the ability to create and upload their own bespoke reports using Microsoft Report Builder. Within 16.5, we have added a Delete option to allow clean up of the available Reports to Import under the menu option found at Reporting > On-Demand Reports > Import.


SatuitSIP Changes

Publish and Unpublish Actions Added to Portal Activity Log

We have enhanced the Portal Activity Log to capture when Documents are Published to and Unpublished from a User. This includes the addition of a new Action Types for the Publish and Unpublish of Document records and Shared Content, and a label field that will show the publish availability dates. The Publish and Unpublish actions will also be available in Contact level View Portal Audit Log.

Release 16.4

Satuit Platform Changes

Satuit2GO 2.0

This is a complete revamp of the original version of Satuit2GO with a brand new platform. We have utilized responsive design within our new version which will allow users to navigate the system comfortably on different devices such as a laptop, tablet, or phone.

The user interface aligns the user experience of your main Satuit application with the mobile experience, making separate training unnecessary. The existing configurations of the main application are used for the initial mobile configurations, but your Satuit administrator can further refine them using our easy to use drag-and-drop configuration tools. 

If you are licensed for Satuit2GO the new version can be accessed by entering the following address into your mobile browser:


Browse List Formatting Autosave

To simplify the user experience, we included a new feature when configuring your browse lists, Autosave. Starting with v16.4 any minor formatting changes made within the Browse Lists interface such as sorting the data, re-ordering the columns, or expanding/contracting the width of a column will be automatically saved by the application. For larger changes such as adding new fields the Browse List Configuration functionality would still be used.


Contact Images Available via Report Builder

Users may now utilize Contact Images when building reports via Report Builder, enabling a more visually appealing report and allowing recipients to prepare for meetings better by recognizing the attendees. The standard Contact Detail report has been updated to include the contact's image.


Satuit Data Exchange (SDX) Import Enhancements

Satuit's Import Tools have been updated to provide greater flexibility when importing data from additional sources. Users can now create import maps to process Tab, Semicolon, or Pipe delimited files in addition to the default CSV files we have always supported. These additional file types can be utilized by the System Admin Import Tools, imports via the BulkAPI, as well as imports via the Satuit Data Utility.

We will now also support some simple Data Transformation functionality in the import mappings. The new transformation functionality includes:

  • The ability to map alternate values in the source data to existing picklist and multi-picker values in the application, enabling a smoother integration between multiple applications. This functionality is available for all picklist fields and can be used to map information such as Product names, Country codes, currency types, and market segments.
    Note: Each alternate value must be unique for the given picklist option.
  • For checkbox fields, the import tools will automatically transform multiple input types such as Yes/No, Y/N, True/False, T/F, and 1/0 when importing values into checkbox fields.
  • Within the Import maps, users may now specify simple calculations to add, subtract, multiply, or divide values from the source data value to ensure it is reflected accurately within the platform on  numeric and currency fields. This can be used for simple calculations such as displaying Assets under Management in millions and properly display percentages.

Automated Clean Up Tasks (Scheduled to start on January 1st, 2022)

To help simplify the data management responsibilities in Satuit, we have introduced two significant changes, one to the Recycle Bin and the other to the Unassigned Items.

Within the Recycle Bin, we automatically purge all items in the Recycle Bin that has been deleted more 180 days ago. This will provide users with an easier way to search and restore recently deleted items within the Recycle Bin. 

In a similar way, we will automatically purge older items in the Unassigned Items folder. Records added to the Unassigned Items folder from places such as the Outlook Add-in will be available for 180 days before being deleted. 
Note: This will require the newer Unassigned Items functionality included in Satuit v16.3+.

Additional Administrative Features

For firms leveraging the Satuit Data Exchange Utility, we will now display the full error messages generated from the local utility in the SDX error log found under the Satuit Data Exchange > SDX Error Log menu option. This will provide an easier troubleshooting path when needed.

The Saved View ID has been added to the Saved View grid, making it easier for firms leveraging the BulkAPI to identify and call Saved Views. The Saved View IDs are available in the primary Saved View menu grid and are not available on Saved View grids within other functions (e.g. Dashboard Charts).

Release 16.3

Satuit Platform Changes

Browse List Framework Upgrade

The Browse Lists have always been one of the key and most frequently used area within Satuit. We have included cutting edge technology into our development of the existing framework that powers our Browse List grids. With the aim to greatly reduce errors and also allow much easier and smoother addition for new functionalities in future releases.


Seismic Connector  

Within the SatuitCRM detail forms, we have added a new integration window which will connect directly to Seismic. This will allow users to have a view of information related to the contact from Seismic right next to the contact's Detail Form.


Publish Homepages

Based on positive responses from the "Manage Homepage" function released on 16.2, we have expanded the Homepage Administrator capability further, with the inclusion of the "Publish Homepage" function. Homepage admins will have the ability to publish pre-configured homepages to one or more users simultaneously which can massively increase efficiency and avoid having to replicate a homepage one by one.

The "Publish Homepages" option can be found next to "Manage Homepages" after clicking "Edit" on the homepage.



Business / Contact Fields available on Additional Detail Forms

Business and Contact fields that are available to be configured on different Browse Lists (e.g. Activities, Mailings & Events, etc.) can now be configured to the detail forms for those sections as a "Read Only" format. This enables users to view related business and contact info whilst operating on other sections and the "Read Only" format will reduce the chance of overwriting those details accidentally.


Update Contact LinkedIn URL via REST API

In our earlier 16.2 release, we included the option to import LinkedIn URL via our Data Import Tool. And with a significant number of users utilizing the REST API, we have also included this capability to update a contact's LinkedIn URL via the REST API.


Satuit2GO 2.0 - Beta Version

With the version 16.3 updates we will also be releasing the Beta Version of Satuit2GO 2.0. Please enter a Support Ticket or email for more information on becoming a Beta Client of Satuit2GO 2.0.


SatuitCRM Changes

Outlook Add-In Enhancements - Satuit Side Panel

With the latest version of our Outlook Add-In, we will feature a side panel within Outlook. The panel will provide information related to the Email and Email Sender from SatuitCRM. Information Includes:

  • High-level Contact Information
  • Email Status in the CRM
  • Upcoming and Recent Activities
  • Open Opportunities

NOTE: For full functionality, client sites should be on version 16.3 or above



Outlook Add-In Enhancements - New Add To Satuit Functionality

To reduce process complexity and difficulties when managing items added from Outlook to Satuit, we  have addressed the issue with some updates to the "Add To Satuit" functionality. When adding items to SatuitCRM via the Outlook Add-In, users are now able to immediately manage any items added that could not be matched to an existing Entity within SatuitCRM. The two available options are "Fix Now" and "Manage Later".

  • "Fix Now" - Within the "Add To Satuit" confirmation window, users will be provided the option to Manage Now which will allow them to manage unassigned items during the send.
  • "Manage Later" - This will close the "Add To Satuit" confirmation window and store any unmatched items in the "Unassigned Items" section, awaiting to be updated at the user's convenience.



Unassigned Items Streamlined

The Unassigned Items interface has been updated to provide a more streamlined view for users allowing them to review items related to the associated Contact. Updates include:

  • Grouping items based on email address
  • Through adding a Contact, all items associated with the Contact will be assigned respectively
  • Unassigned Items will be checked when a Contact is created via the "Add New" > "Contact" within SatuitCRM

v16.3 Highlights Webinar Recording


Release 16.2

Satuit Platform Changes

Dashboard Chart Enhancements

We have expanded our easy-to-use Dashboarding feature set to options that allow users to quickly visualize and interact with the data stored within the Satuit application. This includes the new chart options and features below:

  • Area Chart - Create area charts with standard and stack chart options, enabling users to display data in a more engaging manner
  • Multiple Series Chart - Graph several as many sets of data points contained within a table on a single chart using the new multiple series option
  • Time-Frequency Filtering - Allow users to select the display of data based on time-frequency (Daily Value, Month End, Quarter End, Year End)

Homepage Administrator Function

By popular request, a Satuit administrator can now manage and update the Home Page of another user. This great feature will promote the adoption of the Satuit application by providing meaningful Home Pages to the group. With the proper permissions, Satuit power users can:

  1. Select "Edit" on the top right corner in Satuit 
  2. A dropdown will appear towards the left where you can select another user's Homepage and manage their contents


Keyword/Multi-Pick Fields for Form Rule Actions

To further expand on the value of Satuit's configuration engine, Form Rules may now be mapped with actions for Keyword/Multi-pick fields. This will enable administrators to make fields required, read-only, and limit picklist selections from multi-picker fields such as Market Segment and Mailings.

Outlook Add-In with SAML

For firms taking advantage of Satuit's advanced security feature, enabling Single Sign-On capabilities via SAML, the latest version of the Outlook Add-In will authenticate with your SAML provider. This eliminates the need to keep a separate password for the Outlook Add-In when the SAML integration is present.

Updates for the REST API

Expanding on our already extensive API offerings, we have added a new workflow mapping option that adds the record values to the workflow log table when the workflow is triggered, storing records as JSON of RESTAPI GET. Also included is a new RESTAPI method to retrieve workflow log transactions with filters available (date/time, workflow mapping ID, workflow mapping name).

To help with API calls, we have added the field ID to the field details available within the data dictionary.

Update LinkedIn URL via Contact Import Tool

With the popularity of Satuit's LinkedIn connector, we have added the LinkedIn URL field to the contact import mapping tool.

SatuitSIP Changes

Dashboard Charts Available

Previously available to our CRM users, we have added the Dashboard tool for our SatuitSIP clients. The Satuit Dashboards allow for endless possibilities for user-generated charts, graphs, and lists with drill-down capabilities.

Investor Portal - Documents Tile View

Investors now have a new way to view Documents on the portal. In addition to the list view, investors can view documents published to them on the portal in tile view with the ability to toggle between views on the document toolbar menu. The system remembers the investor's last view selected and will present the view the next time they view the page.



Shared Content Access Management

Furthering the functionality of Shared Content, we have added the ability to restrict shared content access at the document level which is very useful when you want to protect documents that may be considered more sensitive. SatuitSIP users now have an option to mark documents as Unrestricted when adding documents to Shared Content.


To help identify restricted content, we have added a Lock icon in Shared Content Library to indicated restricted documents.


The PORTAL_ADMIN and PUBLISH_SHARED_CONTENT will allow users access to publish restricted and unrestricted shared content. There is a separate permission, PUBLISH_UNRESTRICTED_CONTENT, which allows access to publish unrestricted content.

Investor Portal - Activity Log

When an investor makes a change to the My Info section of their Main tab, these updates will now be captured in Portal Activity Log. Satuit users can see these updates under the Contact > Portal > View Portal Audit Log. In addition, we made some changes to the layout of the Portal Audit Log. To make it easier to read, we moved the fields with static information like the Entity Name towards the end of the table.

Custom Account Recipient List Grid

One of the most popular ways to publish records to the portal is using the Account Recipient list. This release uses the individual Accounts > Linked Contacts By Account browse list configurations for each user to display the field on the Document Uploader > Account Recipient List table. 

16.1 Features - Spring 2021

Satuit Platform Changes

Entity/Contact Summary Grid Expand and Collapse Feature

In addition to the v16.0 Summary View Enhancements, we have included the expand and collapse feature to the Summary Page. With this feature, you can expand the lists that you would like to view and collapse those that you would like to hide.


Custom Search Date Tokens

Finding it hard to track client negligence? Looking for ways to keep tabs on opportunities? With the date search options of "Previous NN Days" and "More Than NN Days Ago", you will be able to create more accurate dashboards to reflect your data through dynamic and flexible date searches.

Examples are:

  • Sales Team Meeting to review pipeline and see Sales Phase changes in "Previous 14 Days"
  • Client Negligence Reporting to give rolling view of clients that have not been in contact for "More Than 45 Days Ago"

Satuit SIP Changes

Content Library Simplification

To simplify functionality and improve user experience, we have separated the Content Library into Package Contents and Shared Contents. The functions and contents will now be found directly under the respective menus. With this update, all portal documents will now be stored and centralized in Shared Contents and avoid confusion with Package Contents.



Shared Content

With the simplification of the Content Library comes two updates to the Shared Content section. One of which is related to the "Edit" function. You can now edit and allocate any published documents to the desired file location.

There is also an interface update where we have removed the text on the top right corner that showed available data as a percentage to simplify and avoid confusion.



Published Shared Content Contact Form

Access the Content Library

  • Portal Menu on Contact Detail or Summary view
  • Must have Publish Shared Content Permission
  • Contact must be Portal Activated


Select the Document(s) to be Published

  • Top Grid shows available content
  • Bottom Grid shows Shared Content already published to this contact
    • Previously published but expired content will show in Top Grid



Publish the Document(s)

  • Set Publish and Expiration Dates
  • Choose email alert setting






Unpublish Option when Moving/Archiving

When moving or archiving contacts, there is now an extra option of removing document links for that contact. What that does is unpublish documents from that contact's portal and disconnect any documents they previously had access to. This will avoid the need to manually unpublish after the archive and any unauthorized access to confidential documents from external/previous contacts.

Satuit CRM Changes

Account - Include Linked

One of the features to highlight in our latest 16.1 release is the "Include Linked" options when viewing accounts of an entity. 

  • Linked by Business - Include Accounts where Business to Business link exists
  • Linked by Accounts - Include Accounts where Business to Account or Contact (at Business) to Account link exists

The benefit of this is to incorporate multi-level relationships on a single view whether it's Business to Business, Account to Business, or even Contact to Business links.

Account - Linked Contacts Advanced Search

In addition to the above, performing an advanced search on "Account - Linked Contacts" will return "Linked Contacts by Account" results by default. This change has been made in alignment with the updates to "Include Linked" where you can view Contact to Account links.

16.0 Features - Winter 2020

Satuit Platform Changes (Both CRM and Investor Portal)

Satuit Technologies is proud to release our Winter 2020 (v16.0) version. In this release, we focused on providing our users more visual information, simplified summary views, easier navigation, and improved investor management.

Important: the features marked with "!" require configuration to your site -- contact your Satuit administrator or enter a ticket to your Satuit support team

Contact Image Object (!)

A picture is worth a thousand words! Your Satuit administrator can add the new Contact Image Object to the Contact Detail and Summary Forms for an easy drag and drop photo upload process from any image or website. For example, you can right-click on any image in LinkedIn to download and then drag the image to Satuit.

Contact and Entity Summary Form (!)

View all interactions with a contact -- all documents, all packages, all accounts, all related contacts, all opportunities, and activities. The Summary View can be configured and includes support for most of the functions from the contact detail form. With the enhancements below, many users may want to choose the Summary View as their default for contacts.

  • Simplified Summary data configuration to default to use Browse List configurations
  • Added 'Configure Summary Record Types' menu to allow users to select which records they want to see on the Summary view (if you have the portal, the CRM items will not be available)
  • Added "Back to Contact" function so that users can go back to the contact page after opening any list, this is also available at the entity level

Picklist Management -- Hide Old Values Without Removing Them

Manage your picklist history…if you have old items on a picklist you can now designate which picklist options are available to be selected on the Detail form. You can keep your historical records without the worry of a user selecting an old picklist value or seeing a long list of options that are no longer relevant.

New Account Links Import Tool

You can now use the import tool to facilitate creating Account Links for managing interested parties and reporting/portal recipients.

  • Contact to Account
  • Contact Business to Account
  • Contact Business to Account Business
  • Visible on Portal

Document View Icon for the Document Browse Lists

You no longer need to open the full document record to view the document. With the 'Attachments' field configured to a user's Document Browse List, users can view/download document attachments directly from the Browse List. Let your team know to configure the 'Attachments' field so they can make use of this time saver! Alternatively, you may want to publish new browse lists to them.

New Home Page Button Icons

Eight new Home Page button icons can be configured to new or existing Home Page buttons to better represent the data being displayed.

'Back to Search Results' Button for Promoted Lists

After you promote any records by clicking 'View All', you can now go back to your search results with the new 'Back to Search Results' button. This can be used from the 'Fast Find', Summary Screens, Linked Relationships, or any other 'View All' option.

Satuit Learning Center Help Widget

We have been building up our knowledge base for over 18 months, but many users do not realize it exists. To fix that, we have added a help icon on the lower-left corner of the Satuit application. Click on the icon to find articles and videos from our robust Satuit Learning Center where users can easily get help on any topic.

SatuitSIP Changes

Download Multiple Documents

Investors can download multiple documents at once. Clicking on the" Download Multiple" option will add a checkbox column to the list of documents that they can then select for download. After clicking "Download", the system will automatically create a Zip file for these documents.

Recent Bulk Document Uploads (!)

To make it easier to work with documents that were uploaded in bulk, we have added an object to allow you to pull up a list of these documents for review before publishing or to publish directly. The Recent Bulk Upload object can be configured to the Documents Search Form and is also available within the "Publish to Portal" function so your portal administrators no longer need to search for bulk uploads before publishing.

Refined 3rd Party Document Access

You can now set bi-directional access to investor documents from the contact detail form. This gives permissions to allow linked contacts to access the current contact's portal document folders OR grant the current contact permission to see information for their linked contacts. This feature requires that you have specific permissions, check with your administrator for details.

  • Inbound Tab – Displays contacts who have access to view the selected Contact’s documents
  • Outbound Tab – Displays contacts whom the selected Contact has access to view their documents

Move Portal Folder Contents in Bulk

Have you outgrown your initial Portal Folder configurations and want to move documents to different folders without needing to unpublish and republish them? If so, Portal Admins can more easily manage Portal document folders by moving contents in bulk. This can be found under Portal Admin → Document Settings → Configure Portal Folders → View Content.

Contact Portal Activation Completed

This helpful feature allows you to easily track which investors have not yet activated their login credentials:

  • Available to be configured to Contact Forms and Contact Browse List, 'Is Activation Complete'
  • Also available as a Search option on Contact Search Form and Custom Search

Recent Failed Logins List

This new Home Page list shows Portal Activated contacts where their last login attempt was a failed login.

Portal Activity Log Quick Link

The Portal Activity Log has been added to the list of available Quick Links for convenient access right from your Home Page.

SatuitCRM Changes

Dashboard Charts can be added to a User's Home Page

Yes, you heard that right! Any Chart that is available to a user for Dashboards can be added to that user's Home Page. (Note: Users can also create their own charts under Dashboard/Manage Dashboards).

Contact Activity Aging Object (!)

The Activity Aging object (much like the Opportunity Aging object) tracks the number of days since the last activity and last appointment were completed with a contact. This makes users visibly aware that they may be neglecting a contact. The numbers will be green if the current aging is less than 30 days; blue if between 30 days and 90 days, or red if greater than 90 days. The data comes from the existing calculated fields.

15.9 Features - Autumn 2020

Satuit Platform Changes

Active Directory / Single Sign On (SSO) Integration

In this release, we have added the ability to integrate the Satuit Platform into a client’s Active Directory/SSO application. This change will not only streamline the process of signing into Satuit but provides a higher level of security by tying access to your Satuit data to your firm’s standard IT access management practices. Please contact your Satuit Representative to learn more.

Security Enhancement – Disable Lockout Minutes

For those not looking for an SSO integration, we created a way to indefinitely extend the lockout timeframe when the user reaches their maximum amount of login attempts. By entering a “0” into the Lockout Minutes options in the System Administrator → Security → Login Rules field, access for a REP who locks themselves out will now have to be reset by a System Admin.

Satuit App Single Sign-On

Starting with the Autumn Release (v15.9), Satuit users can access our instance of the Secure Portal, providing you secure access to your documents, account details, and product information via "?" in the upper-right corner of your Satuit application.

Promote Document Attachment to Document Browse List

To make it easier when looking for a document in the Document Attachment Object, you can now promote the document records to a Document Browse List by clicking “View All” from the linked document windows. This functionality offers a better searching and filtering experience in situations where multiple documents are linked to an Activity, Opportunity, Account, or Deal flow record.

SatuitSIP Changes

Configurable Contact Information Form

Today’s investors are looking for more self-servicing options and Satuit has taken notice and is taking the SIP customization to another level. SatuitSIP administrators can now modify the layout and choose which fields a contact can see and/or edit on the Contact Information page within the SatuitSIP Investor Portal themselves. You can now update the fields that you find valuable to capture and have the Portal Recipient enter or modify values such as their name, phone number, mailing list subscriptions, or investment preferences on their own.

Bulk Upload function expanded to .PDF file types

To assist with the importing of documents onto the SatuitSIP Portal, we have expanded the Bulk Uploader functionality to incorporate the parsing of larger PDF files into account specific ones, creating documents for each. This will save time and enable users to easily parse and publish documents to multiple recipients.

Email Templates for SIP Users

SatuitSIP provides automated messages from the system to notify recipients of changes to their portal, including the publishing of documents. However, sometimes SIP administrators may publish multiple documents on the same day, therefore, creating multiple email notifications to the recipients, one for each Published document.

Now, Satuit Administrators can disable these automatic notifications for newly published documents, publish multiple documents to the recipient, then send a single notification once all documents are published. All they would need to do is run an Advanced Search for any Contacts who have a Publish Date filled as today and send an Email Template notifying them that they have multiple documents waiting for them. This will ensure the recipient only receives one notification, as opposed to many, so they do not get flooded with notifications.

Portal Score

As the Investor Portal continues to transition from an online document repository to a full-fledged marketing tool, investment managers are looking for ways to gauge and analyze a recipient's engagement level. With this release, we have introduced a Portal Score object which automatically assigns a point for each action taken on the portal such as:

  • Logins
  • Document Downloads
  • Document Uploads
  • URLs Clicked

The Portal Score object can be configured onto the Contact Detail form, Search form, Browse List as well as being able to use in Custom Search to easily keep track of every recipient's score.

Portal Activity Log

With this release, we have updated and reorganized the Portal Audit Log to be the Portal Activity Log to highlight vital information and increase clarity, providing easier access to the areas your investors are interacting with the portal. Updates to the Portal Activity Log encompasses:

  • A move from Portal Admin to the main Portal menu
  • A redesign of the search control layout to be more intuitive
  • Summary statistics being moved to the header as well as updating as you segment your search
  • Adding a new Action Item for URLs Clicked to track recipient engagement with content posted

Enhanced Individual Account Information Page

With this enhancement, you can give your Portal recipient an individual as well as a full-width view of an Account on the Landing Page. This will enable your recipient to get a better view of an individual account or sub-account and be able to switch between accounts seamlessly by selecting from the options in the dropdown.

NOTE: If you are currently taking advantage of the Investor View Object in a version before v15.9, you will need to review your configurations after the upgrade, making any necessary adjustments to account for the new layout.

Data Grid Search and Download

Many of our clients have opted to share account details such as holdings, transactions, and historical account balances with their investors on the portal using Data Grids. To improve this experience, we have added the ability to search through a data grid to find specific information.

While displaying account information on the data grid can be useful, we have also found that the portal recipients want to download that information for further analysis in Excel or inclusion in another system. With the v15.9 release, portal recipients can now download this information from the data grid into Excel.

Note: The ability to download information from the data grids is disabled by default, this needs to be enabled by the Portal Administrator before it can be used.

Default Expiration

The Default expiration date within the Portal Admin section will now also set the default expiration date for all documents to be published not only Shared Content. SIP users will still be able to manually change the expiration date when uploading any document. Now, you may also set the default expiration to 0 if you want documents to be posted indefinitely.

SatuitCRM Changes

Dashboard enhanced with Color Palette options

When building charts/graphs in Dashboards, you can now change the color palette for them and be able to choose from several options. The selected color palette applies to all Dashboards for that user.

15.8 Features - Summer 2020

Satuit Platform Changes

Help Menu Updates

The Help Menu, located under the '?' in the upper right corner of your Satuit application, has been streamlined to help you get the help and support you need including:

  • Satuit Learning Center - Increase the value of your Satuit experience by exploring our searchable knowledge base, written documentation, and extensive video library covering all features of the application
  • Sign up for Training - A one-stop shop to register for our live trainings; we conduct three interactive classes each week to ensure you have all information you need to leverage the power of Satuit
  • Submit a Support Ticket - If you can't find what you need in the Satuit Learning Center, you can always submit a support ticket to request additional assistance

Picklist Order

All picklists were historically sorted in alpha-numeric order, often requiring a number or letter prefix to sort values in a specific order such as Sales Phases. With the v15.8 release, System Administrators can now define a custom sort order for all Picklist values with drag and drop functionality. This functionality enables cleaner-looking charts, graphs, dashboards, and Saved Views. The Picklist items will be displayed on the Detail and Search form. NOTE: If the custom sort order is enabled, new Picklist items will be added to the end of the Picklist order until modified by the administrator.

Action Icons

To simplify the user experience, we have added email and phone action icons to the detail forms and browse lists. When users click on these icons, the application will create a new email for that contact or call that contact's phone number.

NOTE: To take advantage of this feature, users will need to enable Smart Clicking, have a soft-phone, and contact Client Success,, to enable the integration.

SatuitSIP Changes

Relationship Manager Object

This feature enables Portal Administrators to configure information and graphics such as head-shots, bios, contact information, and commentary to the Investor View page based on the Relationship Manager (RM) assigned in the Contact’s Portal Settings, saving the portal administrator from having to create an Investor View for each RM. If the RM does not have a configured Relationship Manager object, the Default configuration will be displayed.

NOTE: This feature requires SatuitSIP Portal Premium.

Portal Graph Enhancements

We made significant improvements in the graphing capabilities available to our SatuitSIP Portal Premium customers with a plethora of data visualization options including:

  • Column Bar Chart Grouping – Added the ability to create clustered, stacked, and 100% stacked column charts by grouping values by an additional parameter
  • Area Chart – Added the ability to create Area charts, with Standard and Stack chart options
  • Multiple Series Charts – Added new chart option to allow multiple series to be displayed, very useful in situations where you want to compare multiple values such as performance vs. benchmark
  • Time-Frequency Filtering – Functionality to allow Investors to choose the data graphed based on daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly values
  • Time Period Filtering – Functionality to allow Investors to select the time period to display on graphs
  • Custom Graph Ordering – Portal Admins can utilize a picklist field with a custom field order to display graph values using the same custom order

Data Grid Search

To make finding documents easier, we improved the investor's search options. With the new functionality, your recipients can search within any field on the data grid to find specific information.

Disable Investor View Option

While the Investor Views provide a great way to share information with your investors, there may be times when this view is not appropriate. Portal Admins now have the option to disable an Investor View for select recipients with the "NONE" option.

Expanded Font Options for Portal Design

Making sure the SatuitSIP Portal represents your firm's brand properly, we have expanded the font options so you can customize your recipient's Portal experience. Starting with v15.8, portal administrators can now choose from over 25 different web fonts for their portal text.

Mobile Shortcut Prompt & Icon

To make it easier for investors to access your SatuitSIP from their mobile devices, we introduced a prompt to investors to create a shortcut on their mobile devices upon login, creating an app-like experience with a customizable icon to represent your firm's brand. To enable this feature go to Portal Admin → Configure Portal → Default Configurations → Enable Mobile Shortcut Prompt

Shared Content Default Expiration Period

To help manage the number of documents your investors see when using the SatuitSIP Portal, Portal Admins can set the default expiration period (in days) under Document Settings when users publish Shared Content.

New Portal Permissions and SatuitSIP Default Roles

We have created new portal permissions and administrator roles in v15.8 to help make sure SIP users have access to the functionality they need while restricting access to functionality they do not.

Click Here for full details on the new roles and permissions.

15.7 Features - Spring 2020

Satuit Platform Changes

Multi-Picker Filtering

We added the ability to filter the values on all multi-picker windows including the Additional Contacts windows. This small but impactful change will make it easier to find and select values in a long picklist list.

Document Linking

To increase the visibility and improve the document management capabilities of Satuit, we added the ability to view and add Document links directly from the Documents Tab for Opportunities, Accounts, Activities, and Deal Flow records.

To take advantage of this feature, your Satuit Administrator will need to add the "Document Relationships" object to the Document Detail form in the Forms Configuration.

New Form Configuration Tool

We developed a new browser independent form configuration tool with drag and drop functionality has been created, significantly Improving the ease of use of the tool. These are available to all Certified System Administrators under the Tools -> System Administrator -> System Configurations menu. The previous forms configuration tools, available only in Internet Explorer will still be available labeled as "Legacy".

Once you click on Forms Configuration it will now open in the same browser window as compared to a pop-up window with Legacy Forms.

  1. Select the view you want to configure: Detail, Search, or Summary.
  2. Select the Detail Form to configure.
  3. Drag and drop the "Drag Me" blue square anywhere on the Detail Form to create a new Section.
  4. Drag and drop an Object into any available Section.
  5. The Fields (grey boxes) already configured to the selected Detail Form, can be moved from Section to Section or reordered within a Section by dragging and dropping.
  6. When a Section is selected, the Panel Details will automatically drop down on the right-hand side of the window. You can change the Section title and tab order of your Fields from this collapsible panel.

REST API Integration Management

  • Expanding on our other recent API improvements, we added the ability to create multiple sets of API integration credentials allowing firms to create a unique set of credentials for each integration. Available under System Admin → Satuit Data Exchange → Manage Integrations, this self-service option enables Satuit Administrators to Create and Remove REST API Access Credentials. To take advantage of this feature, firms need to assign the EDIT_INTEGRATIONS and VIEW_INTEGRATIONS permissions inside the System Admin → Security → Roles menu option. Please note users should also have the Import admin permission enabled
  • For clients looking to integrate retrieve the list of Satuit Users via the REST API, we added a Get Users Function

SatuitSIP Changes

SIP Recipient Document Experience

Based on feedback from our Portal Administrators, we updated the document management workflow to reduce areas of confusion surrounding the reviewing and publishing of documents. These improvements include:

  • Increasing the Document records per page from 10 to 20, enabling SIP Recipients to view more document details on one screen
  • Expanding the search function on the Documents tab of the Portal to allow the SIP Recipients to search documents in all folders instead of just limiting it to the current folder
  • Introducing the ability for the Portal Admin to set a default sort order for contents within the document folder where it was previously limited to the published date; this is set in Portal Admin -> Document Settings -> Configure Portal Folders -> Default Document Sort

SIP Recipient Portal Access Experience

To improving the SIP Recipient experience when accessing the Satuit Investor Portal, we have made two significant changes:

  • The ability to customize the Web Browser Title so SIP Recipients will see and be able to see the Asset Manager's firm name in the browser and when bookmarking the Satuit Investor Portal; this is managed in Portal Admin → Configure Portal → Default Configurations → Browser Title
  • On the Portal Login window, we framed the Login fields with a white square to ensure maximum visibility for SatuitSIP Recipients; this gives greater flexibility in the background color and images that can be used
  • We added an Email option for two-step authentication in addition to the current Authentication app and challenge question options. This method sends SIP Recipients an email containing a code that would be required for login; Portal Admins can select this option under Portal Admin → Security → User Additional Authentication
    • As part of this feature, there are two customizable messages to the SIP Recipients. The first is the "Email Authentication Code Message" in the same section and the other is an additional Email Alert named "Investor Email Authentication Code" which will automatically be enabled when Email Two-Step Authentication is selected

Managing Published Shared Content

To increase the ease of use and reduce the anxiety of making changes in the Portal, we separated the Edit Properties into distinct functions to increase the ease of use.

  • Add Recipients – Add additional SIP Recipients to an existing document
  • Remove Recipients – Removes SIP Recipients from an existing document
  • View Recipients – Lists of SIP Recipients of document
  • Edit Document Details – Manage the Filename, Description, and Folder location of the document
  • Edit Publish Dates – Manage the Publish and Expiration dates of a document
    • Managed at the individual SatuitSIP Recipient level
  • Unpublish From Portal – Function to unpublish a document from the portal

Expansion of Account Summary Functionality

  • We have expanded the support of Parent/Sub Account relationships in the Portal to allow the Portal Admin to customize the account fields shown in the Asset Summary based on the Account Type. The default option is to display the same configuration for all account types but provides the option to the Parent Account configuration for all accounts or separate displays for Parent, Sub, and Independent Accounts
  • The ability to show or hide the Account Totals has been added to the Configure Investor View area of the Portal Admin, allowing more flexibility into what is displayed to the SIP Recipients
  • The Contact Detail Form Portal Menu consolidates all Portal-related functions into a central location for ease of use. These consist of:
    • View Portal
    • Portal Setting – Refined to narrow the focus of the menu
    • Portal Access Management – New menu created to manage SIP Recipient access and security
    • View Portal Audit Log

SIP Fields Availability

To help with the visibility of what is happening within the SIP Recipients portal settings, we added the fields below to the Contact Detail Form, Contact Browse List, Contact Search Form, and Custom Search:

  • SIP Activated (Sipclient.enable)
  • SIP Relationship Manager (Sipclient.manager)
  • Account Locked (Sipclient.islocked)
  • Lockout Date (Sipclient.lockoutDate)
  • Disable Security Questions Authentication (Sipclient.disableSQA)
  • Allow File Upload (Sipclient.allowFileUpload)
  • Portal Last Login (Sipclient.LastLoginDate)
  • SIP Investor View (Sipclient.investorView)

15.6 Features - Winter 2019

Satuit Platform Changes


Click-To-Dial aims to eliminate the need to dial numbers traditionally. With a soft-phone service and enabling this feature, users will have the ability to call contacts in Satuit through the Contact Detail page. In addition, users can call contacts from a Browse List if Smart Clicking is enabled. Here is how to enable Click-To-Dial:

  • Have a Soft-Phone provider
  • Contact the Client Success team to have Click-To-Dial enabled
  • Users must have the Soft-Phone service enabled on their computer/browser
    • Enable Smart Clicking in Satuit to be able to utilize this function on the Browse ListPhone icon will appear on the Detail Forms adjacent to the fields where the function is available

Help Menu Expansion

For convenience and ease of access, we have redesigned our Help menu to include direct links to Live Training, Video Training, and New Features whilst keeping both the Help Files and Submit a Support Ticket options.

Rest API

Through this enhancement, the REST API can handle the following functions:

  • Disable User - Submit a call to disable CRM/CRA user
  • Manage Picklist - Create, Read, and update values
  • Result Set Management - Added functionality to Order and Filter results returned

Two-Step Authentication For Trusted IP Address

We have added the ability to list trusted IP addresses within our two-step Authentication settings. If two-step authentication is enabled, users accessing the CRM from a trusted IP address will not be subjected to additional security authentication measures.

We have further enhanced the security feature for two-step authentication. With this enhancement, all users are required to set up their authenticator before being granted Trusted IP access to the application.

Application Access Log

With this enhancement, we have further developed what is captured in the Application Access Log. In addition to what could already be tracked within the Application Access Log, System Administrators will now be able to view the IP Address for each action as well as the following:

  • Failed Login attempts
  • Password Changes
  • Account Locks

SatuitSIP Changes

Investor My Uploads - Drag And Drop

Portal users that have File Upload enabled, now have the added functionality to Drag and Drop documents into the My Uploads section in Portal Documents.

Portal Settings

In portal settings, we provide additional functionality for Relationship Managers to service their recipients.

  • Portal Activation Not Completed Warning – Message added (in section header) to notify the Relationship Manager if Portal Enabled user (Portal Activated = Yes) has not completed the Portal Activation Process (set password, setup 2FA/Security Questions)
  • Resend Portal Enable Alert – Functionality to send Portal Activation email to users who have not completed the Portal Activation Process

Archive Contact

When archiving a contact, there is now an option to Deactivate Contact from Portal (selected by default).

SatuitCRM Changes

Document Record - Drag-And-Drop

With this enhancement, users will be able to add attachments by dragging and dropping them into the New Attachments window located on the Document Detail form.

Web Add-In

The Satuit Web Add-in has been enhanced to support adding attachments in the CRM. The upgrade to the Web Add-in is most impactful for users accessing Outlook through Web or for Mac users.

15.5 Features - Autumn 2019

SatuitSIP Changes

Portal Configuration Enhancements

Understanding the importance of the SatuitSIP Portal experience to your clients, we have focused heavily on improving the ease of access and convenience of our Investor View. The functionality of the Investor View has been expanded to show account data, news, and relevant links.

These can be configured by going to Portal Admin, enabling Show Investor View within Portal Settings, and then Configure Investor View. Through this, Portal Administrators can tailor the Investor View for each individual or team to have relevant account data, news, and links appear upon logging into the Portal.

Custom Two-Step Authentication Messaging

We have added the ability for Portal Admins to customize the message SIP Recipients receive when Two-Step Authentication is enabled enabling them to alter and brand their messages accordingly.

Newsfeed Object

This new object is designed to minimize the effort necessary to manage Newsfeed content across multiple Investor Views. If you have multiple Investor View objects, for example, one for prospects and another for clients, you only need to set up the Newsfeed Object once and you can reuse it on multiple Investor Views.

Text Area Object Enhancements

This release includes updates to the Text Area object, it requires fewer mandatory fields displayed on Investor Views, Saving Portal Admins time when creating new text area objects.

Object Library

This feature allows Portal Admins to create and maintain a single object which can be configured to multiple Investor Views. The initial rollout will include the Newsfeed and Text Area objects in the Object Library.

Account Type Driven Detail Tabs

Portal Admins can now configure which Account Detail tabs to display based on the type of account selected on the Investor View, enabling a separate view of the account depending on whether it is a Parent Account or Child Account.

Account - Individual Tab Reordering

We have added the ability to drag and reorder Individual Account tabs. Before this, users would need to delete and recreate the tabs in the order they desired them to be in.

Graph Color Palettes

As part of the initiative to provide Portal Admins with greater design flexibility, we’ve added the ability to select the color palette used for graphs displayed on the portal. Portal Admins can now select a color palette that complements their branding efforts.

Portal Configuration Menu Redesign

We've simplified our portal configuration menu so it's easier to identify font and color choices based on the different pages of the portal, finding security information, providing new options to folder structure, and e-signature.

Portal Configuration – Donut Chart

We've added Donut Charts to the list of charts available, providing an additional option to display data in a format that best represents the message.

SatuitCRM Changes

Constant Contact Integration

We’ve expanded our email marketing integration suite to include Constant Contact. Raising the number of email marketing options that integrate with SatuitCRM to six! Your marketing team will save time because they can upload lists directly from SatuitCRM and quickly download campaign results. The key is only maintaining one marketing contact database. If you use 3rd party contact lists, you can store that data in CRM and update those lists easily using the data management tools. You can easily spot duplicate contacts and assure the data integrity of your contact lists.

SharpSpring Integration

With full API integration, SatuitCRM and SharpSpring save you time and assure that your sales and investor relations team can manage lists and see campaign results on their SatuitCRM home page. Using the power of Saved Views and Filtering to segment existing lists within CRM, you reach your important contacts with tailored messaging. You can effortlessly create, send, and track complex email campaigns and tie those results to lead generation.

The integration also captures the SharpSpring Contact Lead Score. The Lead Score is available to be configured to the Contact detail form, as well as the Contact Browse list and Contact Advanced Search form. A 90-day Lead Score is highly recommended compared to all-time data.

15.4 Features - Summer 2019

SatuitSIP Changes

Publish Content To Portal Using A Package Distribution List

Users can now perform a Package search, return Linked Contacts, and publish Shared Contents to the Linked Contacts returned. This is useful because our Clients can now send additional information to the same recipient list who had received previous Content.

Investor View Template Duplication

Users now have the ability to duplicate existing Investor View templates, making it easier to create variations off of an existing template. This was a heavily requested product update, and we are excited to launch it.

  • Easier to create draft/concept templates
  • Easier to create variations tailored for specific audiences

Configuration Tool Selected Tab Color

To make the configuration tool more intuitive and consistent across the application, the selected tab is now blue, and the other/not-selected tabs are gray.

Expanded Configuration Options for Data Grid/Account Fields Panels

A Section Label (optional field) has been added. In addition, the number of Rows to Display is now an optional field in the Data Grid. The grid will display all rows available when the field is not populated.

Text Area Panel – Item Reordering

To make things easier for our users, we added the ability to drag and reorder items within the Text Area panel. The new items added will now appear at the top of the item list.

SatuitCRM Changes

Default Home Page

To assist with Home Page configurations, we have created a default Home Page. If you have not yet customized your Home Page (still displaying a computer monitor with a link to a video), upon upgrade your Home Page will consist of the following items:

  • Recent Item – Recent Activity within the CRM
  • Upcoming Appointments – Lists upcoming appointments for the next 5 days and highlights any past due appointments
  • Upcoming Tasks – Lists upcoming tasks for the next 5 days and highlights any past due tasks

Two-Step Verification For Trusted IP Address

We have added the ability to list trusted IP addresses within our Two-Step Verification settings. If Two-Step Verification is enabled, users accessing the CRM from a trusted IP address will not be subjected to additional security authentication measures.

Act-On Lead Score

One of the most exciting features we are offering is the integration with Act-On. This integration will allow Users more email marketing capability, such as marketing automation. As the latest CRM marketing plug-in, this fully native integration between Act-On’s marketing automation platform and SatuitCRM enables users to manage lists and track campaigns using the familiar SatuitCRM interface to easily create, send, and track complex mailings such as:

  • Newsletters
  • Marketing Messages and Campaigns
  • Press Releases
  • Prospectuses
  • Investment Account Executive Summaries
  • Annual and Quarter End Performance Reports

For clients utilizing SatuitCRM’s Act-On integration, System Admins can enable functionality to retrieve and display Act-On Lead Score metrics to SatuitCRM as an additional field at the contact level. A 90-day Lead Score is highly recommended compared to all-time data.

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