Custom Search - SatuitCRM®

Custom Search ⏯

Custom Search allows a user to create and save custom searches. The results of custom searches can be used in conjunction with the Satuit reports. Each custom search extracts the information contained within your database system. The set of conditions in the custom search determine what information is generated. Keep in mind most of your searches can be run through the basic search options; as a best practice try to run your search in the basic search screen prior to building out a custom search.

To access the Custom Search Tool, click on Advanced Search, then Custom Search. From this dialog box one can:

  1. Create a New search
  2. Open or Edit an existing search
  3. Save an existing search under another name using Save as
  4. Delete an existing search
  5. Include Linked Relationships to a search based on the role of the relationship
  6. The Insert a Condition option has been added to custom searches to allow you to move and add conditions to previously saved custom searches

Options within Custom Searches

  • Name of Search - Enter in the name of your search
  • Save - Saves all changes that have been made to custom search
  • Save As - Allows for saving an existing search with a new name
  • Cancel - Cancels any changes that have been made to your search criteria
  • Add Parentheses - Enters an opening parenthesis to the currently selected condition then prompts you to select where the closing parentheses is entered
  • Remove Parentheses - Removes the parenthesis from the currently selected condition
  • Cancel Parentheses - Cancels the entry of parenthesis
  • Move Condition Up - Select the condition of search that you wish to move up within the search
  • Move Condition Down - Select the condition of search that you wish to move down within the search
  • Scope - Allows for saving the search as Private or Public if the user has Public rights
  • Run As - This allows you to select the table of data that you would like your results returned from; like Return Type
  • Search - Runs the search and returns results in a browse list
  • Ask Later - This allows you to specify a new value upon running the search. Ex: Each time I run this search I would like to specify the Rep. The Ask Later feature will prompt you to enter in the value each time
  • Delete Condition - Deletes the selected condition to remove from your search
  • Pick a Field - Opens the tables to select a new field for your search condition. Enter the conditions of the query you want to use to search the database. Sometimes referred to as selecting "row filter conditions," a condition is a phrase that defines the set of data you are seeking.
  • A Satuit condition consists of:
    • Field - Selects a field to compare against another value
    • Operator - Relational operator selects comparison
    • Value - Selects value to compare against
    • Connector - Connect the current condition to the next condition in your search. If the additional condition must be true as well as the prior condition, then select AND. If either condition can be true, then select OR. To complete the search, use Finish

Creating Custom Searches

In this section, we will walk through an example of building a search for multiple States and Relationship Types.

  1. Click the 'New' button to begin
  2. Click on the 'Field Chooser' button to open the 'Fields' panel
  3. Select the table of data where the first field is located: Business
  4. The list of available fields is sorted alphabetically; scroll to locate the State field. Double-click the field name and this will become the field in your first condition
  5. Next, select the 'Operator' for your condition
  6. After your operator has been selected, set the value for the first State you are searching for
  7. Then choose a Connector, for this search, select 'Or'
  8. Next, repeat the steps above to add all of the States for the search
  9. For the Connector, after the last state has been added, select 'And'
  10. Next, select the field for the Relationship Type field, enter the Operator and Connector
  11. Repeat as needed for each Relationship type
  12. For the Last connector enter Finish
  13. Next, you will need to enter a name, select the 'Run As', Save and add groupings (parentheses)
  14. To Enter Parentheses; Click on the first condition to select where the opening parenthesis will go
  15. Next, select the condition for your closing (right) parenthesis. This will make the custom search treat everything inside the parentheses as a single list
  16. Repeat the steps for Relationship Types
  17. Save and Run your Search

Example Custom Search - Search Contacts Without an Email Address Associated with a Specific Mailing List

  1. Create a new Custom Search
  2. Select the grid icon in row 1 under the Field column header
  3. Under the Contact dropdown double click your field, which is labeled Roles & Mail Lists in this example
  4. For the Operator, select 'Contains any of' or 'Contains all of'
  5. Under the Value column header, select the folder icon and select a value from your Mailing List
  6. Change the Connector to 'And', which is located on the far right
  7. On the second row, select the grid icon again
  8. Double click on the field labeled 'E-mail'
  9. In the Operator leave the default value as 'Is Empty'
  10. Name the Custom Search, for example, "Newsletter Contact E-Mail Is Empty"
  11. For Scope, you may decide to allow other users in your firm to be able to run this Custom Search by making it Public, or you can leave it as Private, which will only allow you to view and run the search
  12. Make sure to update the 'Run As' by selecting 'Contacts' from the dropdown
  13. Finally, click save and then 'Run' to view the contacts in a Browse List who match the search criteria

Once you have the list of contacts associated with your Mailing List without an email, you can have your Satuit Administrator use the Mass Update Tool to remove the specific mailing from the entire group of contacts. Once that is completed, you can update your Custom Search to run it again with another Mailing List value. You can keep doing this process until all of your appropriate Mailing List are the way you want them.


For some Mailing Lists, you may not want to remove a contact that does not have an email address. For example, a Holiday Card Mailing List that is being sent by physical mail would not require a contact to have an email address.

Dynamic Custom Search Options - Date tokens ⏯

Allow your custom searches to have dynamic date ranges that change for you based upon the current date.

Date tokens include Current Date, Yesterday, Tomorrow, Current Calendar Week (Sun-Sat), Current Two Weeks, Previous Week, Previous Two Weeks, Current Month to Date, Current Quarter to Date Previous Calendar Month, Previous Calendar Quarter, 30 Days from Today, 60 Days from Today, 90 Days from Today, Previous 30 Days, Previous 60 Days, and Previous 90 Days, Previous 3 Months, Previous 6 Months, Previous 12 Months, Previous 24 Months, Year to Date, Last Year to Date, Today and forward and Today and previous.

Custom Search also includes the following additional date token options, allowing the user to bring about more refined search results on a more specific timeline:

  • More Than NN Days From Now – Returns records with dates greater than {Value} days from current date
  • Within Next NN Days From Now – Returns records with dates between current date and {Value} days from current date
  • Between NN and NN Days Ago – Returns records with dates within the specified values before current date
  • Between NN and NN Days From Now - Returns records with dates within the specified values from current date

Additionally, the ‘Ask Later’ and Current Rep Operators provide enhanced flexibility to allow you to reuse searches and specify values as you go.

Creating Standard Reports from a Custom Search

To create a Standard Report from a Custom Search:

  1. From the Custom Search dialog box, highlight the appropriate custom search and click ‘Go’
  2. Next, select the type of output desired from the Run Query drop-down menu. For example, if you want the results to show the information that would be shown from a Business Search, highlight the Business option
  3. To produce a current selection, click Search
  4. A browse list of search results will display matching the criteria specified in the custom search. From here choose from any of the On-demand Reports found under the Reports menu option
  5. In addition to a Standard Report, users can simply print the browse list returned from the search. This can be done by pressing the Print Browse List icon from the main toolbar

How To Catch Data Issues ⏯

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