Satuit2GOMail - Satuit2GO®

Satuit2GOMail will allow you to send an email from Satuit2Go® via your mobile device using its default email account and have the email added as an activity into SatuitCRM®.

Sending from Satuit2GO®

Every user of Satuit2GO® will be assigned a unique email address that will be used for Satuit2GO® email. The assigned Satuit2GO® email address will be visible within each individual’s User Preferences in SatuitCRM® and is for reference only and cannot be changed.

By adding this email address to the BCC field of your email message, you can have it automatically added to SatuitCRM®.

Emailing a contact from Satuit2GO® is as easy as tapping the Email hyperlink next to the contacts. When sending an email that must be added to SatuitCRM®, add your Satuit2GoMail email address to the BCC field before sending the email. This will send the email to your email recipients and BCC SatuitCRM® to automatically create the activity.

Create a Contact

Copy your Satuit2GOMail Email Address. Within your Email/Outlook Contacts, create a new contact record with the bcc email address and save the record.

Send an Email

By adding this email address to the BCC field of your email message, you can have it automatically added to SatuitCRM®.

Emailing a contact from Satuit2GO® is as easy as tapping the Email hyperlink next to the contacts name, which will open the Mail app on your device, with a new email addressed to the contact.  Compose the email as normal and send it, the email will be automatically added to Satuit.

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