Satuit Technologies Release Highlights - v17.2 - v17.5

Release 17.5

Platform Enhancements

REST API - Move Records to Different Entities

Allow the programmatic moving of records to a different Entity/Business via the REST API. Feature benefits include:

  • Ability to sync changes received from external sources (e.g. Data Providers, Data Warehouse).
    E.G. - When a Contact moves to another organization, automate Contact move in Satuit.

API Documentation

Expanded Integration with Dakota Marketplace

Based on popular demand from out clients, we have expanded to integration with Dakota Marketplace to include additional fields to the application to better house the data coming from Dakota. This includes:

  • Business/Entity Records:
    • 2 new Date fields
    • 1 new Money field
    • 5 new Memo fields
    • 75 new Text fields
  • Contact Records
    • 2 new Date fields
    • 1 new Memo fields
    • 18 new Text fields

Preparations for User Interface 

We are very excited to announce we will be launching an updated Satuit User Interface coming with v17.6! There are numerous improvements being made to prepare for the refresh, keep your eyes out and contact your Relationship Manager for additional information.

Release 17.4

Add Document Attachments to Document Records via the REST API

We have added the ability programmatic add attachments to Document records via the REST API and allowing Document records to be linked to other record types via the REST API. This feature enables the ability to sync documentation from external platforms to Satuit, allowing Satuit to remain the system of record. 

Example uses of this feature include:

  • Automatically adding a Client Report from a 3rd Party Reporting tool (i.e. Coriq, Vermillion, etc.) to Satuit and associating it to the proper Account.
  • Adding a case from an external client support application into a Satuit Activity record and attach relevant documentation.

API Documentation:

Linked Relationships Import

To allow admins to create linked relationships in bulk, we have added additional imports to create linked relationships within Satuit. These imports can be leveraged through our Secure Data Exchange (SDX) as well as be automated via the BulkAPI. The new Import types to create linked relationships

  • Business-to-Business links
  • Business-to-Contact links
  • Contact-to-Contact links

Contact Import – Add Contacts to Existing Business/Entity

We have expanded the Contact Import tool to allow Admins to create new Contact records by supplying the Business/Entity ID. Historically you needed to map the Business/Entity Address fields to match the records to the appropriate Business/Entity records. This new import option under the Contact Import increases the ease of importing Contact records and ensuring they added to the correct Business.

Release 17.3

Browse List Preview Pane

The browse list preview pane will allow the user to the view the form of the selected record while reviewing other records on the browse list. This will give the user the ability to view additional information about the selected record, without having to leave the browse list itself. The user will be able to view linked relationships, associated records, document attachments (amongst other information) without clicking into a specific record.

The Preview Pane will be enabled by default for users. Pane is enabled/disabled selecting Preview button on the Browse List toolbar

  1. Last setting (enabled or disabled) will be remembered, per Browse List
  2. Preview Pane is read-only
  3. Within the Preview Pane, available icon functions:
    • Switch form (when multiple forms are available) Open form in full screen (opens editable form)
    • Open form in full screen (opens editable form)
    • Open form in new tab/window (opens form via direct link)

Mobile Additional Authentication

Additional authentication has been added for Satuit2GO. This has been added to ensure organizational security standards are extended to mobile access. The additional authentication can be implemented via either:

  • 2 Factor Authentication
  • SAML Single Sign-On

Release 17.2

System Admin Enhancements

Data Driven Form Configurations

You can now create forms showing only the relevant fields for the record selected. This optimizes the user experience and reduces the noise on the screen by removing unnecessary fields. Using a Picklist field for a Record Type, Admins can create forms that are dictated based on the Picklist value selected.

For example, create bespoke Activity forms based on the Activity Type (phone call, email, etc.) for the Activity.

How to:

  • System Administration > System Configuration > Manage Form Groups > Picklist Value
    • Create Form Groups
      • Select Picklist values that should use the same form configuration
      • Note: Any values not selected will use the default form configuration for the Record Type
  • System Administration > System Configuration > Forms Configuration
    • Once Picklist Value Form Groups are created, enable Picklist Value Group Forms
      • Once enabled, copy an existing form and select the desired Picklist Value Form Group to create and configure the form for that group
  • If Picklist Value Group Forms are enabled for a Record Type, when a new record is being created, the user will be prompted to enter a value for the applicable Picklist field to ensure the correct form is displayed

Example Screenshots:

  • Manage Form Groups


  • Forms Configuration

Field Management via Forms Configuration

We’ve made it even easier for admins to set up and modify forms without having to leave the Forms Configuration menu. Admins can modify field information without losing changes previously made to the form configuration.

How to:

  • System Administration > System Configuration > Forms Configuration > Field Details
    • Field Properties button opens the Data Dictionary window for the field selected.
    • Manage Picklist opens the Picklist Editor for the field selected
      • NOTE: This is only available for Picklist and Keyword fields

Example Screenshots:

  • Field Details section

  • Field Properties

  • Manage Picklists


Additional Workflow Action Types

Expand your process automation capabilities and streamline your workflows by triggering record updates to automatically create new Document, Deal Flow, and Mailing & Events records.

How to:

  • System Administration > Workflow > Actions
    • Client must be licensed for the Record Type in order for it to be available in Workflow.

Example Screenshots:

  • Workflow Actions

Zapier Integration Beta Program

As part of our v17.2 release we have started a Beta Program for an integration with Zapier. Reach out to a member of the Satuit Client Success team if you are interested in participating in the program.

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