Calendar - SatuitCRM®

How to use the calendar feature in SatuitCRM ⏯

The Satuit Calendar allows you to get a high-level view of past, present, and future Activities you and your colleagues have. You have the option to select either a Day, Week, or Month view of the calendar that can also be exported as a PDF by clicking Print. You also have the option to adopt a List view of Activities by clicking on Calendar, which is located in the top left of the Calendar screen, and selecting List.


When selecting the List view, ensure that Status is Configured onto the view as well to easily identify outstanding vs completed Activities.

You are also able to customize what shows in your Calendar by clicking on Options and selecting whether you want to show Activities that are marked as High-Value Activities (HVA) or “Hot Items”, not show them, or show both HVA and non-HVA activities. The same logic applies to both the Done and Recurring sections. Additionally, you can select whose Activities you want to see, what Activity Types you would like to show, as well as only showing Activities with specific Products.


We do recommend removing Email from the Activity Type showing, to not clutter your Calendar view.

The Satuit Calendar will also help you quickly identify past due activities, by highlighting the Activity in red in Calendar view, or an exclamation mark in List view when Configuring Status onto the view. Additionally, Completed/Done Activities will show in black text in Calendar view, whilst in List view, they will show with a blank Status. Furthermore, the Satuit Calendar will show you upcoming Activities in green in the Calendar view, or show them with a green star in Status when using List view. You also have the ability to hover over Activities to gain additional information, as well as edit any Activities by double-clicking on a single Activity.

By using the Satuit Calendar, you do not need to go through the complications of setting up a shared calendar in Outlook and seamlessly use the in-built capabilities of the Satuit Calendar and view each other’s activities.

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