Summary Forms - SatuitCRM®

Summary Forms allow users a way to see an Entity or Contact overview without running a report. You can view all the data related to a Contact or Entity in one window in addition to the "tabbed" view of individual record types. Summary Forms are configurable, flexible, and powerful.

Relationship Roll Up and Summary View ⏯

Entity Summary Form

To see the Summary Form for an Entity:

  1. Select an Entity you would like to view
  2. From the Detail Form menu, change the dropdown selection from "Detail" to "Summary"

The top section of the Form is a read-only display of pertinent information for an Entity as set by your Satuit Administrator. Every user will see the same information that is displayed here. While the Form is read-only, users can still use the Click to Dial and Website icons from within the section. Users also have access to merge Entities from this Form if their permissions allow it, and the "Search Nearby" and "More" Menu options are also available.

The detail section of the Summary Form can be configured by each user individually. From the "Choose Record Types" menu you can select from the following items (Options may vary depending on licensing):

  • Linked Businesses
  • Key Contacts and Linked Key Contacts
  • Opportunities
  • Activities
  • Documents
  • Accounts
  • Dealflow/Case Tracking

Users can configure the order by selecting objects to appear by dragging them up or down the list. Once satisfied with your selections, save and close the window. You will now see those record types displayed in the lower section of the Form. The sections can be expanded and collapsed as needed and the system will retain those settings when navigating to another record. 

Users can double click on any record to view the associated detail Form for that item and can also use the “View All” option in the header of each Record Type section to see all records of that type for the Entity as a Browse List. All Browse List features are available from here (e.g. sort, filter, group, total, print). You can use the “Back To” button to return to the Summary Form.

The columns used for each Record Type are determined by the User’s default browse list settings for each Record Type. To add or remove fields, you can use the “View All” option and then Configure and Save the list with the preferred fields. When you return to the Summary Form the changes will be reflected.

Contact Summary Form

To see the Summary Form for a Contact:

  1. Select a contact you would like to view
  2. From the Detail Form menu, change the dropdown selection from "Detail" to "Summary"

The top section of the Form is a read-only display of pertinent information for a Contact as set by your Satuit Administrator. Every user will see the same information that is displayed here. While the Form is read-only, users can still use the Click to Dial and eMail icons from within this section. Users also have access to Move or Merge Contacts from this Form if their permissions allow it, and the “Search Nearby” and “More” Menu options are also available. CRM users can create an Outlook eMail message or a Satuit Activity from this Form and SIP users have the same Portal capabilities as they do on the Detail Form.

The detail section of the Summary Form can be configured by each user individually. From the “Choose Record Types” menu you can select from the following items (Options may vary depending on licensing):

  • Linked Businesses
  • Linked Contacts
  • Opportunities
  • Activities
  • Documents
  • Accounts
  • Dealflow/Case Tracking
  • Reporting Requirements
  • Package
  • Accounts Recipient List
  • Shared Contents

Users can configure the order by selecting objects to appear by dragging them up or down the list. Once satisfied with your selections, Save and close the window. You will now see those record types displayed in the lower section of the Form. The sections can be expanded and collapsed as needed and the system will retain those settings when navigating to another record.

Users can double click on any record to view the associated detail Form for that item and can also use the “View All” option in the header of each Record Type section to see all records of that type for the Contact as a Browse List. All Browse List features are available from here (e.g. sort, filter, group, total, print). You can use the “Back To” button to return to the Summary Form.

The columns used for each Record Type are determined by the User’s default browse list settings for each Record Type. To add or remove fields, you can use the “View All” option and then Configure and Save the list with the preferred fields. When you return to the Summary Form the changes will be reflected.

Setting the Summary Form as the Default

Users may select the Summary Form as their default view on the Entity and/or Contact Forms.

  1. Click on Preferences then select Personal Settings
  2. Select ‘Summary’ under the Default View for Business and/or Contacts
  3. Click on ‘Save’ and then exit the window

Copy Direct Link

All detail forms are available to external applications via a hyperlink. This feature supports integration with external systems such as intranets to link directly to a Satuit detail form.

  1. Click on More… then select the Copy Direct Link icon
  2. The direct link to that specific detail form will be copied to your clipboard
  3. Paste the link by using CTRL & V or by using Paste
  4. Paste the link into an email to allow recipients to link to a Record, rather than emailing the data in the record


The user must be logged in to Satuit for the link to work properly.

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