Setting up Microsoft Report Builder

  1. Click the File tab in the top left and go to Options.
  2. In the report server or SharePoint site enter:
  3. When prompted for credentials use the login information used to login to your SatuitCRM site with the format sitename_repname.

    example: demo_anne (this assumes the name of the SatuitCRM site is and the rep name is anne)

  4. On the left-hand side select data sources
    1. Right click and select ‘Add Data Source’
    2. Select ‘Use a connection embedded in my report’
    3. Connection type ‘Microsoft SQL Server’
    4. Then click Build and enter the following details:
    5. Server Name:
    6. Use SQL Server Authentication
      1. Username: satuitdb@satuitreporting
      2. Password: SatuitSSRS!
      4. Select DB name: SatuitSSRS

Once the DataSource has been added:

  1. Right click it and add Dataset or right click the Datasets folder and add Dataset
  2. Select the radio button Use a dataset embedded in my report
  3. Select the name of you gave your datasource in the DataSource drop down
  4. Enter your query in the query box
  5. Click OK and then renter the credentials for the data source
  6. Username: satuitdb@satuitreporting
  7. Password: SatuitSSRS!


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