SatuitCRM Training Offerings


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Satuit Fundamentals Crash Course

This 90-minute training course is designed for new SatuitCRM users. We will discuss the Satuit database design, basic navigation​, searching the database, adding/managing records within the user interface and Outlook Add-in, customizing your Browse Lists/Saved Views, editing your Home Page and Dashboards, managing User Preferences, our mobile offering, and how to access the training resources available to you.

Best Practice

Following up on the Satuit Fundamentals, this session targets individuals looking to become a Satuit power user. In this 90-minute training we cover how to properly manage your Opportunity pipeline, Documents, Accounts, Mail Merge and Email Templates, Private Data, and Picklist values. We will offer tips and tricks on Custom Searches, Home Page configuration & management, Dashboards, and promoting SatuitCRM usage.

Import Tools

This 2-hour training will go over the various types of Import Tools offered within Satuit and the different use cases of each. In addition to reviewing the mechanics of the tools, we will discuss the Data Import logic, provide sample import file samples, how to analyze exception reports, and provide a high-level overview of the Satuit Secure Data Exchange options available.

SatuitSIP Portal Fundamentals
This session will focus on Satuit SIP fundamentals. It will cover publishing documents to individuals, publishing documents in bulk, as well as adding documents to the shared contents folders. This will be useful for those starting out using Satuit SIP, or simply for a refresher on the portal basics.

Reporting Tools
This session will run through the key reporting tools that Satuit has to offer. With a focus on scheduling reports, adding sales charts and graphs to your homepage for ease of access, as well as creating exception reports to ensure all processes have run correctly.

Data Administrative & Communication Tools
This session is based on tools within Satuit that are deemed most useful and can be used in many different scenarios. It will cover the mass update tool, email templates and the activity plan manager. In this session, examples of different use cases will be demonstrated to better show how these tools can be implemented into your daily workings.

ADMIN: Data Management & Reporting

This initial 2-hour Online Administrator training will go over the best practices for Data Maintenance to move/merge records, managing Unassigned Items and the Recycle Bin, and utilizing the Mass Update Tool, Activity Plan Manager, and Opportunity Plan Manager. We will cover how to leverage the different search and reporting options to create Public Saved Views, the Standard Reports, initiate automated reporting via the Report Scheduler, and review internal CRM interactions with Audit Reports and the Application Access Log.

ADMIN: System Configurations & User Management

The second of our Online Administrator offerings, the 2-hour System Configurations & User Management course provides Satuit power users the knowledge and tools to configure the user interface of the application. We will discuss various administrative functions such as changing field labels, picklist values, form configurations, and integration links. We will review the various settings available including email add-In rules, security and login settings, user permissions, and Satuit Access Approval.

ADMIN: Advanced Configuration with Workflow and Form Rules

The third of our 2-hour Online Administrator offerings is Advanced Configurations with Workflow and Form Rules, designed to teach experienced System Administrators to create rules-based customizations of the Satuit interface. Attendees will learn how to leverage the Trigger-Action-Mapping methodology to provide rules-based notifications and configurations using Satuit’s powerful Workflow engine and advanced Form Rules tools.

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